
IMF Conditions Emergency COVID-19 Loan to Venezuela on Regime Change

Earlier this month, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) blocked a request from Venezuela for an emergency loan to deal with the COVID–19 pandemic on the grounds that President Nicolas Maduro “lacked recognition.” “IMF engagement with member countries is predicated on official government recognition by the international community, as reflected in the IMF’s membership.

IMF Refuses Debt-Relief For Hurricane-Devastated Barbuda

Facing devastation difficult to overstate, Hurricane Irma-battered Barbuda lost more than 90 percent of its structures in a record-breaking storm that will require an estimated $150 million in reconstruction and recovery.
It also has to repay a $3 million debt to the International Monetary Fund, whose special representative to the United Nations Christopher Lane resisted the idea of a moratorium on Friday.