Lincoln Project

Lincoln Project that Worked Mightily Against Trump Is Now Entangled in Sexual and Financial Scandals

Lincoln Project co-founder John Weaver is accused of harassment and sexually soliciting 21 young men, including a 14-year old boy, while the Lincoln Project knew about it. Six employees have asked for waivers from their non-disclosure contracts, accusing the Lincoln Project of having “protected” a “predator status.”

Lincoln Project Predators, Detrumpification & Cuomo Falls - FF Ep108

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Henrik and Lana cover some of the latest news in Flashback Friday.
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Lincoln Project Co-Founder Steve Schmidt Fires Back At Trump And Reduces Him To Charred Cinders

  -by Noah For those of you who may still not know, Steve Schmidt is a conservative who worked on several Republican campaigns including those of Arnold Schwarenegger, George Dubya Bush, and John McCain. President Donald J. Biohazard, however, was a bigly bridge too far for a conservative with the smarts of Schmidt.

The Lincoln Project Goes After Another GOP Scalp-- In Alaska

As you may know, I love the work the Lincoln Project does, especially their attacks on Trump, which are very harsh and very effective and, by all reports, driving Trump insane. The Lincoln Project, I should mention, is made up of conservative Republicans (and in some cases, conservative ex-Republicans) who, generally speaking, would like to overturn women's Choice, slash government regulation of predatory businesses, Make War Not Love and gut Social Security and Medicare. Other than that... I love these guys.

COVID Is Bringing Down Trump

A new poll from ABC News and the Washington Post shows that Trump's handling of the pandemic is viewed favorably by far fewer American voters than it was previously. In March 51% approval. As the realization of his incompetence and narcissistic perspective kicked in, by May, the number had failed to 46%. Today it's 38%, which still seems awfully high considering how horrifying the results have been.