Lincoln Chafee

The Democrats’ Presidential Debates: Underway and Underwhelming

By Ralph Nader | October 16, 2015 Who thought this up – Giving a  private corporation (CNN) control of a presidential debate? In the most recent Democratic presidential debate, CNN controlled which candidates were invited, who asked what questions, and the location, Las Vegas – the glittering, gambling center of America. This is a mirror […]

US, Russia Should Overcome Tensions, Cooperate – Presidential Candidate

Sputnik – 29.07.2015 WASHINGTON — Restoring US relations with Russia should be among the top priorities for the newly elected president, US Democratic presidential candidate Lincoln Chafee told Sputnik. “I would make it one of my top priorities to do everything possible to find common ground, areas where we can build on and reestablish relationships […]

US presidential hopeful: Sanctions don’t facilitate ‘rapprochement’ with Russia

RT | June 8, 2015 Former Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee, who has entered the race for the Democratic nomination for president, has questioned the US policy of imposing sanctions on Russia. There are “better ways to get rapprochement” with Moscow, he said. “I should think there would be better ways of getting a rapprochement […]