
IMF: Mideast conflicts have erased development gains for whole generation

Press TV – September 16, 2016 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says conflicts in the Middle East are not only devastating economies in countries such as Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen, but they have also erased “development gains for a whole generation.” The fund issued a report titled the Economic Impact of Conflicts and the […]

LIONEL PODCAST: The Hillary Clinton Criminal Conspiracy and Lie Machine

As societies grow decadent, the language grows decadent, too. Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate, action: you liberate a city by destroying it. Words are to confuse, so that at election time people will solemnly vote against their own interests. (Gore Vidal)

Meanwhile the planet crumbles.  And what are we not discussing? What are the mainstream sock puppet media ignoring altogether? How are deceived? Let me count the ways.

A Final Word About ‘UN Resolution 1973’: No, the Intervention Was Not Legal…

If anyone’s getting bored of me talking about the Libya intervention in 2011, I apologise – and I probably won’t do it again after this. But I just need to clear something up once and for all; because people keep arguing with me about this. Specifically, this post is addressed to anyone who keeps saying […]

The Libya Catastrophe: And the Trial of DAVID CAMERON…

Following in the wake of the Chilcot Report into the Iraq War, British MPs have issued a substantial condemnation of David Cameron and Britain’s key role in the collapse of Libya. It comes far too late; but it is nevertheless a significant moment and acknowledgement of the utter disaster that Britain played a substantial role in, […]

LIONEL PODCAST: What Will It Take for the Media to Admit Hillary’s Gravely Ill?

“Can’t a girl have a sick day or two? Don’t get me started, because when it comes to overqualified women having to try a hundred times harder than under qualified men to get a break, or even a level playing field, well, we know that story.” CNN’s Christiane Amanpour
This is mendacity on human growth hormone. A profound contempt for clarity, transparency and leveling with the American citizen and potential voter. It’s simply mind-boggling. The enemy of limpid and bare truth. Beyond corrupt. Putrescence personified. America will learn a lesson this time.

CIA-Backed General’s Troops Seize Key Libyan Oil Ports

(ANTIWARThe situation surrounding Libya’s various government and other factions continues to grow more complicated all the time, with reports over the weekend that Libyan Army forces loyal to Gen. Khalifa Hifter have attacked and captured multiple oil ports formerly controlled by the Petroleum Facilities Guard (PFG) and the UN-backed unity government.

The Libyan Dilemma

Giving an interview to the Russian News Agency Sputnik on September 5, Supreme Commander-in-chief of Libyan armed forces General Khalifa Haftar criticized the anti-ISIS airstrikes launched by the US air forces in the area of the Libyan city of Sirte since August 1. Militia groups from Misrata aligned with Fayez Al-Sarraj’s Government of National Accord began an offensive against the ISIS stronghold on May 12.

Dissecting the Propaganda on Syria

At the recent annual convention of Veterans for Peace, VFP Vice President Jerry Condon said “The U.S. peace movement has been demobilized by disinformation on Syria.” This disinformation and propaganda on Syria takes three distinct forms. The first is the demonization of the Syrian leadership. The second is the romanticization of the opposition. The third form involves attacking anyone questioning […]
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