
The Trump Dossier: Created by Spies”R”Us?

By Phil Butler – New Eastern Outlook – 14.01.2017 Chris Steele is a former MI6 and FBI asset who compiled a dossier of unsubstantiated allegations about President-elect Donald Trump. The current Director at the private security and investigation firm Orbis Business Intelligence, is a curious player in the sensational efforts of Trump adversaries. Here is […]

Obama extends national emergency on Iran

Press TV – January 14, 2017 US President Barack Obama has declared the continuation of his country’s national emergency against Iran, claiming that despite full commitment to its nuclear deal with the six world powers, the Islamic Republic still poses “an unusual and extraordinary threat” to America. The outgoing president informed Congress of his decision […]

Rank Hypocrisy at UK Foreign Office

It is no exaggeration to suggest that in the past century alone the UK has been at the forefront of the bloody industry that is modern war and has done everything possible to avoid and disrupt the peace. Barely a year has gone by since the end of the second world war when the British military were not fighting and killing in some far off country
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The ‘Founding Declaration of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Libya’…

A statement, released via the Jamahiriya News Agency on January 9th 2017 and purporting to be the ‘Founding Declaration of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Libya’, suggests the Libyan people’s fight-back against the international conspiracy and terrorist takeover is gathering momentum. As is often the case with Libya these days, source-verification is very […]

LIONEL PODCAST: The Myopic and Intellectual Incoherence of the Alt-Left

Myopic modern day liberalism never scared the imperialists. And why should it? The corporate state and statism are the enemies. The infantilized alt-left with its preoccupation with social issues of no consequence like multiculturalism and diversity and transgender bathrooms subverted the argument. It’s not politics. It challenges nothing of consequence. Not neoliberalism, imperialism, globalism, nada. They are the party of not-Trump. They’re defined in the inverse. Corporatocracy, the military and prison industrial complexes remain sacrosanct, inviolate and unchallenged.