
A Journey through the Guardian’s Coverage of the Libyan Disaster

In this analysis we examine Libya’s recent history looking through the eyes of the Guardian, the flagship of liberal western outlets, and its reporting. As with most other western media, the Guardian was an enthusiastic supporter of the NATO intervention that overthrew Gaddafi and threw the country into the disaster that we are about to describe. Faithful to western interests then, the Guardian remains faithful afterwards as well.


My aching 2003 Toyota Matrix is finally at the mechanic’s for some major surgery.  The kind only plastic can pay for.  So I’m shut in, housebound – stuck inside with nothing to do but stream DemocracyNow’s coverage of the “March on Washington DC”.  I’d planned to watch a bit of it anyway as some recourse to the pharmaceuticals I lack but badly require after bearing witness to the kabuki theater of a sparsely attended anointment of our 45th potentate the day before.  Like my car, I’m badly in need of uplift.

War Is Peace: Obama’s Pathological Legacy

The malady, common among political leaders who commit heartless crimes while craving popular adulation as heroes and misunderstood saints, is ‘Political Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy’ (PMSP). PMSP best explains the pathologic drive of politicians and policy makers who inflict relentless, systematic mass destruction and then intervene in a most theatrical manner to save a few victims – thus drawing gratitude from the victim […]

Democrats expose their hypocrisy when playing politics with war and peace

The hypocrisy of the Democratic Party never ceases to astound me.
Although the Republicans are no angels and many have attempted to derail Donald Trump’s progress, there’s a special kind of hypocrisy amongst Democrats when attempting to tie the hands of a Republican president.
Barack Obama faced a great deal of Republican opposition for his domestic policies, but as one of the most hawkish Presidents in modern American history, Obama faced little opposition from Republicans.

The Last Days of Obama: Napoleonic Maneuvers at the Security Council

By Caleb Maupin | New Eastern Outlook | 23.01.2017 It seemed to come almost out of nowhere. The United States usually protects Israel from critical resolutions at the UN Security Council. However, in a dramatic move, the US abstained and a resolution criticizing recent settlement activity was passed by the 15-member body. But this was […]

Towards a more realistic US strategic posture based on cooperation with the other Great Powers

Rather than speculate on what Trump’s next move with Russia will be, at this point it would be healthier to make some constructive suggestions for how the world might look when the military and geo-political super-powers cooperate with clearly defined spheres of influence.
The key elements of such a proposal rests on the fact that because of the diplomatic incompetence of the Obama administration and the steadfast, intelligent approach of Putin, Lavrov, Churkin and Zakharova; Russia is now the global leader when it comes to mediation in areas of conflict.

France’s Self-Inflicted Refugee Crisis

By Ulson Gunnar – New Eastern Outlook – 22.01.2017 Following rhetoric regarding Europe’s refugee crisis, one might assume the refugees, through no fault of Europe’s governments, suddenly began appearing by the thousands at Europe’s borders. However, this simply is not true. Before the 2011 wave of US-European engineered uprisings across the Middle East and North […]