
EU’s tragic and self-defeating policy on refugees – the Malta Summit 2017

Comment by Jan Oberg

The Malta EU meeting is expressive of militarism, colonialism and racism in one. Is it time perhaps to call the EU the Evil Union? People outside, in the rest of the world sees this and will draw their conclusions.
And an – admittedly unconventional – proposal on what to do with the politicians who are responsible for the destruction of Libya.

These before and after photos prove that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton had nothing but love for Islam

As the entire liberal left is in a tizzy over Trump’s immigration executive order, which has been cleverly dubbed by the establishment media as a “Muslim ban” (see how Steven Crowder dismantles this word play, fake news propaganda here), we thought it would be fun to showcase three Muslim countries, that under the Obama/Clinton rule, flourished under the inclusive love of the liberal left.

Washington State Judge Issues Temporarily Block on Trump’s Immigration Ban Nationwide

21st Century Wire says…
On Friday a US federal judge in Seattle ordered a temporary nationwide block on U.S. President Donald Trump’s 7 nation immigration ban.
As expected, the White House labeled the legal ruling ‘outrageous’ and promised the White House ‘intends to file an emergency stay’.

Trump protests must see and oppose US crimes in their totality

As global protests continue against Donald Trump, what could be the nucleus of a promising new progressive movement, akin to Occupy, is being compromised by a faux liberal ‘resistance’. It’s been encouraging to see people act in a spirit of intuitive solidarity with Muslims in rejection of Trump’s discriminatory edicts. But, thanks to the liberal media’s veneration of Obama and […]

Listen/Watch: My Recent Interview on The Libya Conspiracy…

I was recently asked to do a new interview, this one for William Ramsay Investigates‘ You-Tube channel and the Ed Opperman Report radio network. This is the You Tube video upload on William Ramsay’s main channel. The audio/radio version should be airing on Awake radio at 22.00 tomorrow (Saturday 4th February) and then otherwise available […]

La la liberals showcase Obama and play supporting role to the Deep State

From Jan 16th: As Barack Obama approaches his last day in office, emotional liberals have been recording their tributes to the president and dark fears over what’s to come. There’s been hagiographic coverage of Obama’s farewell speech, and‘heartwarming’ pictures of his tenure. A succession of Hollywood names, from Tom Hanks to Samuel L Jackson, have been re-stating Obama’s ‘Yes We Can’ motif. In similar […]

If Americans Truly Cared About Muslims, They Would Stop Killing Them by the Millions

By Glen Ford | Black Agenda Report | February 1, 2017 In the most dramatic expression of insider opposition to a sitting administration’s policies in generations, over 1,000 U.S. State Department employees signed on to a memo protesting President Donald Trump’s temporary ban on people from seven predominantly Muslim countries setting foot on U.S. soil. […]

Will ‘Muslim ban’ impact the tech industry?

There has been a backlash against Trump’s executive order against seven predominantly Muslim countries, but the president says the system is working [Xinhua]
There are fears on both sides of the Pacific that the executive order signed by President Donald Trump to ban visitors from seven predominantly Muslim countries will adversely affect America’s tech industry.
Neflix chief Reed Hastings, for example, has said that “Trump’s actions are hurting Netflix employees around the world, and are so un-American it pains us all”.

President Trump’s Middle East immigration ban is an effect not a cause

To all of the misguided people crying crocodile tears because of Donald Trump’s new temporary immigration policy towards seven Middle Eastern and African countries, I have only this to say: you reap what you sow.
The only reason Trump has instituted this policy is because of the neocon/neoliberal interventionist wars that have destroyed much of the Arab world, beginning with George Bush and Tony Blair’s illegal war on Iraq in 2003.