
Westminster Attack: Courage, Cowardice and Double Standards

The attack outside and inside London’s Westminster Parliament just before 4 pm local time on Wednesday 22nd March resulted in five deaths, including the assailant and forty injured. The confirmed British-born attacker, Adrian Elms – but with a number of alias’ including the much quoted Khalid Masood – drove a grey Hyundai SUV over Westminster Bridge, which spans the River Thames as it flows past Parliament, mounting the pavement and mowing down pedestrians crossing the great span, with it’s panoramic city views.

BREAKING: Mysterious shortage in Libya may cause serious hike in oil prices

Libya was once the richest state in Africa but since NATO’s war on Libya in 2011, it has been the world’s most resource rich failed state.
Libya currently has two bodies which each claim to be the country’s legitimate government. First of all there is the General National Congress in Tripoli and then there is the government in Tobruk, near the Egyptian border. The Council of Deputies in Tobruk is generally considered the more moderate of the two.

US Will Keep Ground Troops In Libya For ‘Foreseeable Future’

A photo from 2011 shows buildings ravaged by fighting in Sirte, Libya where the U.S. military has carried out airstrikes.
In a press briefing at the Pentagon today, African Command leader Gen. Thomas Waldhauser announced that the US intends to keep ground troops in Libya for the foreseeable future to support “friendly forces,” and to “degrade” the ISIS forces that remain in the country.

In Syria, social media has been the ‘weapon of mass instruction’

I, along with others have been wondering just how the events in Syria from 2011 onwards might have unraveled had the internet not been as advanced as it has been in the last six years.
When the US and the UK invaded Iraq in 2003, those Iraqis who knew of the internet saw it as an exotic, alien entity. Mobile phones were scarce, and even satellite television was not permitted prior to 2003 while email services were mostly limited to government officials.

Syria must revive Pan-Arabism after the conflict is settled

The 21st century has witnessed what many would call a sharp decline in the strength and stability in governments promoting Arab nationalism. Whether Ba’athism, Nasserism or Libya’s unique Third International Theory, many of the regimes that were once bulwarks of the various ideologies of  Pan-Arabism have either been destroyed or severely compromised.

The New Broom

Alternativism has given alternative media something to think about in America. The new regime in Washington DC has activated a veritable tsunami of grieving voices spitting hatred at their ‘populist’ billionaire President as he commences to re-shuffle his deck of cards. The new boss-man tweets his own superlatives in the small hours of the night revealing his indifference to the superlative-ridden cant of his predecessors. The ‘new broom’ possesses its own brand of cant which is currently being fed into an alternative lexicon…and it sure has lots of snap, crackle and pop.