
Here’s why Saudi Arabia and Israel are allies in all but name

Those who claim that Israel is opposed to Donald Trump’s now openly warm relations with Saudi Arabia are missing the actual point. On the surface, many assume that Israel and Saudi Arabia have poor relations. Neither country has diplomatic relations with one another, one is a self-styled Jewish state while the other is a Wahhabi Sunni monarchy.

Donald Trump uses anti-terrorism speech to condemn countries fighting terrorism

Donald Trump spoke at the Saudi organised Arab-Islamic-American Summit in Riyadh. He spoke in front of leaders of most Muslim majority countries in the world with two notable exceptions: Syria and Iran.
His speech focused on the typical Trump themes of self-reliance in respect of an Arab and wider Muslim world that Trump called on to rely less on America to fight its battles.
However, all of Trump’s broad condemnations of terrorism fell short of approaching realism when he condemned Iran as a country which foments, enables and finances of terrorism.

If NATO Wants Peace and Stability it Should Stay Home

By Ulson Gunnar – New Eastern Outlook – 20.05.2017 A curious op-ed appeared in The National Interest, penned by Hans Binnendijk and David Gompert, adjunct senior fellows at the RAND Corporation. Titled, “NATO’s Role in post-Caliphate Stability Operations,” it attempts to make a case for NATO involvement everywhere from Libya to Syria and Iraq in fostering […]

Russian Orthodox clergyman speaks out against ‘regime change’

Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev was recently in Washington D.C. where he spoke at the World Summit in Defence of Persecuted Christians.
Throughout the Middle East, secular leaders who protected the rights of all peoples, including Christians, have been replaced by a combination of weak governments who cannot protect anyone, radical Wahhabist style forces and in some cases, outright chaos. In each case, the anti-Christian regimes have come about after the western sponsored violent overthrow of previous governments who protected Christians.

Russia is interfering in US foreign policy, not US domestic policy

Many had hoped that the firing of former FBI director James Comey would bring an end to the disgrace of ‘Russiagate’.
Russiagate was quite possibly the biggest canard in recent American political history. Take for example actual US political and policy scandals starting with the biggest.
–Iraqi WMD, Syrian chemical weapons, Libya ‘killing its own people’, Yugoslavia as an ‘aggressor:

A Response To George Monbiot’s ‘Disavowal’

Our point is that if journalists like Monbiot are serious about establishing the truth, they will test the French government and other claims against the arguments and evidence offered by dissidents. They will consider the different claims, and come to some kind of informed conclusion. What is not acceptable is that journalists should simply accept as Truth arguments made by Western governments openly seeking regime change in Syria and that have a spectacular track record of lying about claims supposedly justifying war.