
How the British deep state turned Manchester into al-Qaeda Town UK

More and more information is emerging on how the savage terrorist atrocity recently committed in Manchester was a classic case of terrorist blow-back, a phenomenon describing how when western governments fund, arm and aid terrorists, they often come back to commit horrific crimes against the citizens of the countries which funded and aided them.

The Terrible TRUTH About the Manchester Attack, the British Government & ‘Salman Abedi’…

There is something very, very important to understand about the terrorist attack in Manchester on Monday night. And it is something that virtually all mainstream media outlets have failed to – or will continue to deliberately avoid – talking about. Because they don’t want their average audiences – and the general public – to have […]

Hillary Clinton bears responsibility for the Manchester atrocity

Hillary Clinton pushed Barack Obama into invading, occupying and ultimately destroying Libya in 2011. Even George Bush and Tony Blair publicly stated that Libya was a valuable partner in fighting and restraining al-Qaeda and ISIS style Salafist terrorists. Obama later admitted that not preparing for the consequences of a war which he was reluctant to fight, was the gravest mistake of his Presidency.

UK Government Harbored Terrorists Linked to Manchester Blast for Decades

UK Proscribed terrorist organization, Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), maintains large presence in Manchester area and is now being linked to recent blast. May 24, 2017 (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - As suspected and as was the case in virtually all recent terror attacks carried out in Europe - including both in France and Belgium - the suspect involved in the recent Manchester blast which killed 22 and injured scores more was previously known to British security and intelligence agencies.