
Trump Expands Travel Ban to Include North Korea and Venezuela

Addition of North Korea and Venezuela broadens restrictions from original, mostly Muslim-majority list.

(MEE) — The United States will prohibit entry of citizens from North Korea to the US as part of a sweeping new travel ban that also slaps restrictions on Iran, Chad, Libya, Syria, Venezuela, Yemen and Somalia, the Trump administration said in a statement on Sunday.

LAVROV: Russia will not allow a partition of the Syrian Arab Republic

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has held a press conference with journalists at the United Nations, during which he reiterated Russia’s positions on key issues around the glob.
Here are the main points
On Syria, Russia’s Foreign Minister stated that “we cannot allow for partition”. He further stated that it would only bring more instability to the Middle East and that the only parties who would benefit from such a thing would be those who seek to benefit from causing havoc across the region.

Not My Wonder Woman: The Zionist Agenda in US Mainstream Feminism

Most women will agree that female representation in the media is incredibly important for a plethora of reasons, not only in media but as well as politics, and other platforms lacking opportunity for female participants. Providing women of all ages a strong and positive role model could break a toxic habit and pattern of accepting and expecting degrading societal roles and standards that have been appointed to us.

Finance, War, and the Rule of Rogue Law

Why is it that certain ‘regimes’ become ripe for imperial subversion or overthrow? What was it, in particular, that linked together the list of countries that retired general Wesley Clark shared in his famous 2007 interview as being next in the sights of the United States’ bellicose intentions and most of which since have indeed been plunged into horrendous wars?
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