
Libya: What Hillary Knew About Black Genocide and Slavery by Islamic Rebels

Islamic rebels in Libya developed a slave trade of African migrants following NATO's war to topple Moamar Gadhafi. Libya's Arab majority views the black population as cheap labor and labeled the migrants as "pro-Gadhafi mercenaries", which was intended to justify the atrocities against them. As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was told that Islamist Libyan rebels would victimize black Libyans and migrants. [...]

Arab states spent $130bn to destroy Syria, Libya, Yemen: Algerian PM

Press TV – November 12, 2017 Algerian Prime Minister Ahmed Ouyahia says some regional Arab states have spent $130 billion to obliterate Syria, Libya and Yemen. Ouyahia made the remarks on Saturday at a time when much of the Middle East and North Africa is in turmoil, grappling with different crises, ranging from terrorism and […]

Understanding the Libya disaster will lead to a resolution in North Korea

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“Inappropriate Behaviour”: Michael Fallon, Yemen, And The “Mainstream” That Is Anything But

The truth of corporate journalism, and the great irony of its obsession with ‘fake news’, is that it is itself utterly fake. What could be more obviously fake than the idea that Truth can be sold by billionaire-owned media dependent on billionaire-owned advertisers for maximised profit?

‘Inappropriate Behaviour’ – Michael Fallon, Yemen, And The ‘Mainstream’ That Is Anything But

The truth of corporate journalism, and the great irony of its obsession with 'fake news', is that it is itself utterly fake. What could be more obviously fake than the idea that Truth can be sold by billionaire-owned media dependent on billionaire-owned advertisers for maximised profit?
The post ‘Inappropriate Behaviour’ – Michael Fallon, Yemen, And The ‘Mainstream’ That Is Anything But appeared first on BSNEWS.