
Degeneracy and Fundamentalism of Western Media Control

There is nothing sadder and more pathetic, than a notorious liar shouting, spitting saliva, insulting normal people left and right, while terrorizing those who are telling the truth.
Lately, the West has gone clearly berserk. The more it is scared of losing control over the brains of billions of people in all corners of the world, the more aggressively it is screaming, kicking and making a fool of itself.

The END of International Law…

The mess that’s been created in Syria is extraordinary. Syria is also definitively where international law died. Arguably, Iraq and Libya saw international law already collapsing: but Syria is where even all pretense of international law died. It is where borders, sovereignty and the right to self-determination got tossed out the window. It is also […]

‘I give you 24 hours to resign’: 1st OPCW chief on how John Bolton bullied him before Iraq War

RT | April 7, 2018 The first OPCW chief, who tried to bring Iraq and Libya into the organization, told RT how US foreign policy hawk John Bolton threatened him over his refusal to resign prior to the 2003 Iraq War. Jose Bustani, the first director-general of the global chemical weapons watchdog Organization for the […]

Report reveals Gaddafi donated €20 million to Nicolas Sarkozy’s French presidential campaign (Video)

A trusted adviser to Muammar Gaddafi is speaking out about how the late Libyan leader funneled €20 million to support the election campaign of his “friend” Nicolas Sarkozy, who would later became French president in 2007…and in a twist of fate be one of the pivotal forces pushing to murder Gaddafi, and destroy Libya as a functioning nation state.

The UK Government – and Not Russia – is the Real Threat to UK Security

By Neil Clark | Sputnik | April 2, 2018 Here we go again. In the UK government’s latest 52 page ’National Security Capability Review’, guess who’s right there at the top of the threats Britain faces? Yes – those dastardly Russians! ‘The resurgence of state-based threats, intensifying wider state competition and the erosion of the rules-based international […]

Nicolas Sarkozy: Crime and Punishment?

The relationship between Sarkozy and Gaddafi fits the pattern of the old mafia joke: “You’re my friend. I kill you for nothing.” Two news items jostled for attention on the front pages of mainstream newspapers and news bulletins of the main television channels on the Old Continent last week. One was the Sergei Skripal “nerve agent attack” and Theresa May’s attempts to find support among EU leaders for a common stand against Russia as perpetrator.

All the Countries John Bolton Wants America to Go to War With

(GPA) — US President Donald Trump announced last week that he’d be replacing his National Security Adviser, General H.R. McMaster – a hawk; but a pragmatic hawk – with notorious bloodthirsty lunatic, John Bolton. Bolton is a man who has not only endorsed some of the worst US war crimes in the last 30 years but also continues to […]