
NATO’s Caper Complete: Billions Stolen from Libya’s ‘Frozen Assets’ in Belgium

The Long Con: Along with France’s Nicolas Sarközy, British PM Tony Blair was tasked with setting up Libya for the country’s eventual take-down in 2011.
In 2011, led by the UK, France and the US, NATO undertook a concerted plan to decapitate and collapse the state of Libya. This plan was not hatched overnight and took years to prepare. The damage and destruction wrought upon the North African state will be felt for generations to come.

Anniversary of Gaddafi’s Death and the Current Situation in Libya

The seventh anniversary of the killing of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi on October 20, 2011 provides us with an opportunity to reassess those dramatic events which caused a major step backwards in the country’s development. With the fall of its leader, the country’s power hierarchy collapsed, leading to the disintegration of both government authorities and the armed forces.

Background of Russia-Greek Summit in December: Greek Defense Chief Makes Landmark Foreign Policy Proposals

By Alex GORKA | Strategic Culture Foundation | 13.10.2018 Greece’s Defense Minister Panos Kammenos visited the United States on October 9 to make two proposals that would change a lot if accepted: a new Balkans military alliance and substantial expanding of US military presence in the country. The latter includes setting up three military bases in Larissa, […]

Moscow Doesn’t Plan to Create Stronghold in Libya – Russian Embassy in UK

Sputnik – October 9, 2018 LONDON – The Russian Embassy in London on Tuesday refuted reports claiming that Moscow was allegedly plotting to get control over European immigration routes in Libya and establish a stronghold against the West. “This publication has nothing to do with reality. We are treating it as a new attempt to shift the responsibility for the […]

The Lies of our (Financial) Times

By James Petras | Dissident Voice | October 4, 2018 The leading financial publications have misled their political and investor subscribers of emerging crises and military defeats which have precipitated catastrophic political and economic losses. The most egregious example is the Financial Times (FT) a publication which is widely read by the business and financial […]

UAE recruiting Africans for Saudi-led war: Report

Press TV – October 3, 2018 The United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia’s key partner in the ongoing Riyadh-led invasion of Yemen, has reportedly been recruiting tribesmen from northern and central parts of Africa to fight in the war. The campaign features Emirati envoys “seducing” the tribesmen across a vast area spanning southern Libya as […]