
The EU Continues to Talk Utter Baloney About Libya. But What’s the Real Reason Its Warships Are in the Eastern Mediterranean?

It’s often said that the EU plays no role whatsoever in the conflict in Libya and takes no side. And given that Italy, being the odd man in Europe, supports the incumbent government and its ragtag coalition of soldiers and militias it employs fighting under the so-called GNA – whereas most EU countries are more aligned to General Haftar (supported by Russia, Egypt, UAE and Saudi Arabia), it’s easy to see how the EU can’t take a single position.

Hillary Clinton ordered to testify about e-mail server [Video]

We have real news for you here. Hillary Clinton is to face a deposition in September. Another article on The Duran discusses the involvement of George Soros and Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation in the Antifa-spurred Black Lives Matter riots. This newspiece is about one week old, yet, it was almost completely buried in the furor of demonstrations and riots being covered all across the United States and even internationally.