
Behind the North Korean Nuke Crisis

Exclusive: One fallout from the Hillary Clinton-led “regime change” in Libya – after Muammar Gaddafi gave up his WMD deterrence – is that North Korea keeps building up its nuclear-weapon program. Its leaders don’t want to suffer Gaddafi’s grisly fate, another case of how war can exacerbate other tensions, notes Jonathan Marshall. By Jonathan Marshall…

Tunisian President warns against military intervention in Libya

MEMO | February 5, 2016 Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi warned on Thursday of the consequences of any military intervention in Libya, stressing the need for the countries considering such action to consult with Tunisia and other neighbouring countries, a presidential statement said. According to the statement, Essebsi made the remarks during a meeting with […]

Unjust and Dysfunctional: Asylum in the UK

Imagine you wake one fine morning and find you are living in a war zone, aerial bombardments are a weekly occurrence, family members have been killed, tortured or imprisoned and the children’s school destroyed. You love your country, but frightened and desperate you decide to leave in search of a new home, in a peaceful place, where you can study, work and have a chance to live out your days happily.

UN “Peace” Accord: Preparing for a New Western Intervention in Libya

In a recently held supposedly important meeting in Rome with regard to “peace” in Libya, the Western powers were once again seen as pushing themselves to shove by attempting to pave the way for imposing a so-called UN backed “peace accord”—an accord that would (supposedly only) end internal fighting, unite the warring factions and thereby pre-empt the emergence of ISIS in Libya.

Hillary Clinton’s ‘Progressive’ Persona

Desperate to blunt Bernie Sanders’s surge of support especially among young Democrats, Hillary Clinton is pitching herself as a “progressive,” but many of her policies were anything but – from supporting military coups to favoring corporate interests, writes Jeff Cohen. By Jeff Cohen In her speech claiming victory after the Iowa caucuses, Hillary Clinton proclaimed…

Hillary Clinton’s Hawkish Record

Surviving Iowa in a dead heat with Sen. Bernie Sanders, ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton now hopes her establishment-backed campaign will grind down her opposition and pave the way for her presidential nomination. But many Democrats remain leery of her hawkish foreign policy, writes Marjorie Cohn. By Marjorie Cohn Hillary Clinton likes to extol her foreign policy credentials, particularly…

US-NATO Invade Libya to Fight Terrorists of Own Creation

Up to 6,000 troops are being sent to invade and occupy Libya, seizing oilfields allegedly threatened by terrorists NATO armed and put into power in 2011. February 2, 2016 (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - The London Telegraph, almost as a footnote, reports of a sizable Western military force being sent in on the ground to occupy Libya in an operation it claims is aimed at fighting the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS).

Examining the Syria War Chessboard

The above interview with Dr. Vijay Prashad draws our attention to the parallel conflicts of Libya and Syria, as well as the way the two wars directly intersected in 2011-2012 (weapons shipments from Libya to Syria, now fully documented via USG declassified reports). One of the more interesting points comes when Dr. Prashad speaks about … Continue reading Examining the Syria War Chessboard →