
Obama: US Military Engaged in Anti-Terror Operations Across 15 Countries

Sputnik — 13.06.2016 US military personnel are engaged in counterterrorism operations across 15 different countries, President Barack Obama said in a biannual statement to Congress released on Monday. The letter outlined US military counterrorism operations across the globe in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Somalia, Yemen, Djibouti, Libya, Cuba, Niger, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Egypt, […]

Why We Interviewed Rob Newman – And Why Comedians Can Save The World

He's like a postmodern minstrel (he even has a ukulele which is a bit like a lute) wandering from town to town sharing his thoughts, stories and insights; sparking deep thought in his audiences and managing to be both profound and playful - the man's a fucking genius!
The post Why We Interviewed Rob Newman – And Why Comedians Can Save The World appeared first on BSNEWS.

How The Press Hides The Global Crimes Of The West: Corporate Media Coverage Of Chad

One of the essential functions of the corporate media is to marginalise or silence acknowledgement of the history – and continuation – of Western imperial aggression. The coverage of the recent sentencing in Senegal of Hissène Habré, the former dictator of Chad, for crimes against humanity, provides a useful case study. The verdict could well have presented the opportunity for […]

Some Sober Lessons for Bernie Sanders Supporters

As the wizard Gandalf declared during the darkest hour: “There never was much hope… Just a fool’s hope.”
The narrow thread of hope now rests on the Justice Department investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illegal concealment of her emails from the State Department she headed from 2009 to 2012. If she’s hit by a true scandal between now and the Philadelphia convention in July, all bets could be off.