
The Sanders Sell-Out and the Clinton Wars to Come

The worst disservice Sanders has done to his supporters, other than to lead them on a wild goose chase for real change, is to virtually ignore his rival’s vaunted “experience.” He need not have mentioned Hillary Clinton’s Senate record, since there was nothing there; her stint as law-maker was merely intended to position her for a run for the presidency, according to the family plan. But there was a lot in her record as Secretary of State.

9/11 and the Zionist Question: Is Noam Chomsky a Disinfo Agent for Israel?

The Global War on Terror, 2001-2016: Fifteen Years of the 9/11 Cover Up Prof. Tony Hall | American Herald Tribune | July 13, 2016 The Kevin Barrett-Chomsky Dispute in Historical Perspective – First part of the series titled “9/11 and the Zionist Question” Looking back with hindsight fifteen years after the transformative events of September […]

Enraged UK veterans blast ‘war of aggression’ ahead of Chilcot’s Iraq war report

RT | July 4, 2016 A UK veterans’ group has blasted the 2003 Iraq conflict as a “war of aggression” waged on the Iraqi people ahead of the publication of the Chilcot report on Wednesday. Veterans for Peace UK (VFPUK), which is reported to contain up to 400 armed forces veterans from Britain’s recent conflicts, […]

Whitewashing Libya: House Report on Benghazi Reveals Nothing, Hides Everything

By Eric Draitser – New Eastern Outlook – 03.07.2016 The Republican dominated House Select Committee on Benghazi has released its long awaited final report on the 2012 Benghazi attack which killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others. And, surprise, the report reveals absolutely nothing of substance that wasn’t already known. Naturally, Democrats running interference for […]