
Setting the Method to Probe U.S.-Saudi Wars

Uncovering the extent and details of Saudi Arabia’s involvement in the U.S. wars against selected Arab and non-Arab states is somewhat complicated, and the reason is shortage of reliable information. Even if such information were available, we may have to sieve through a huge amount of data searching for patterns, relations, and critical values. For instance, how to search for the methods the U.S. employs to enforce Saudi involvement in its plans and polices? What drives the Arab and regional policy (and wars) of the Saudi regime?

LIONEL PODCAST: Behold the Systematic Destruction of Our Republic

Ignorance and nescience will kill us. Be not mistaken. It won’t be an extraneous force, nothing outside or foreign or beyond. Not Russia, China, imaginary terrorsists or intel-crafted bogeymen who hate our freedom and wish us ill. No, it will be through the concentrated and orchestrated mis- and disinformation efforts that occlude and obfuscate our worldview, that reduce elections to mindless popularity contests and voter initiatives on the irrelevant and inapposite. And who fuels this? Our Ted Baxter sockpuppet echo chamber cookie cutter bumper sticker media.

Hillary Clinton is Spreading Islamist Extremism

If the West in general, and the United States in particular, left the Arab and Muslim world alone and in peace, we would most likely never see all those terrorist attacks, which are rocking the world from Indonesia to France. There would be no Mujahedeen and its mutation into al-Qaida; in Afghanistan or elsewhere. There would be no traces of the ISIS (or ISIL or I.S. or Daesh or however you choose to call it), in Syria, Iraq, Libya or anywhere else.

LIONEL PODCAST: Mainstream Media News Produce Brainwashed, Habituated, Conditioned and Contaminated Sheeple

It’s by design. Edward R. Murrow warned, “A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.” And while it might be at first a tad difficult to imagine that that delightful anchor or reporter is a cog in the misinformation wheel. Media propel war and justify murder and destruction. They ask no questions and repeat rather than report.

LIONEL PODCAST: The Purging, Routing, Gutting and Death of Radical Thinkers

A massive computer hack of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations suggests most poignantly that his various nonprofit organizations are effectively involved in the purging and silencing of independent and (perhaps) radical thinkers as well as those increasingly rare iconoclasts in the patent goal of stripping the liberal class of its once glorious and necessary vitality. And why has this flown below the collective radar?


By Thomas S. Harrington | CounterPunch | August 19, 2016 Casuistry, which one dictionary defines as “specious, deceptive, or oversubtle reasoning, especially in questions of morality” is, rightly or wrongly, inextricably linked to the history of Jesuit order of the Catholic Church. And the rise of the Jesuit order is deeply enmeshed with the Counter-Reformation, […]

New Russia-China-Iran Alliance Could Push the US out of Much of the Middle East

(ANTIMEDIA) When the current Syrian conflict first erupted in 2011 — and then enflamed in 2012 — a small minority of the American public probably wondered why President Obama was not intervening to help the Syrian people as he had done in Libya (they were likely completely unaware the president had already been