
Provoking Nuclear War by Media

The exoneration of a man accused of the worst of crimes, genocide, made no headlines. Neither the BBC nor CNN covered it. The Guardian allowed a brief commentary. Such a rare official admission was buried or suppressed, understandably. It would explain too much about how the rulers of the world rule.
The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague has quietly cleared the late Serbian president, Slobodan Milosevic, of war crimes committed during the 1992-95 Bosnian war, including the massacre at Srebrenica.

Is Owen Jones right that Jeremy Corbyn has the same policies as Ed Miliband?

In his now infamous July 2016 blog ‘Questions all Jeremy Corbyn supporters need to answer’, Guardian columnist Owen Jones argued Corbyn’s policies are pretty much the same as those of Ed Miliband’s Labour Party at the time of the May 2015 general election. “It seems as though Ed Miliband presented his policies as less left-wing than they actually were, and […]

The Excesses of the Extreme Centre

Donald Trump, in a speech given in Charlotte on Thursday, August 18, cast himself as the truth teller for forgotten Americans and a champion of those who feel that the best is behind them. He was clearly presenting himself as a guy who fundamentally calls it as he sees it…in contrast to Clinton’s politically correct doublespeak. “I am running to be the vote for every forgotten part of this country that has been waiting and hoping for a better future” he said.  “The insiders fighting for the insiders…I am fighting for you” was his pitch.

Hillary and the Clinton Foundation: Exemplars of America’s Political Rot

By Eric Draitser | CounterPunch | August 29, 2016 Hillary Clinton may be enjoying a comfortable lead in national polls, but she is far from enjoying a comfortable night’s sleep given the ever-widening maelstrom of scandals engulfing her presidential bid.  And while Clinton delights in bloviating about a decades-long “vast, right wing conspiracy” against her, […]

LIONEL PODCAST: Rejiggering Perception and the Collective Delusion of Connection

Straight talk. Beware. Confusing form over substance will be one of the cornerstones of the fall of the republic. Direct and honest discourse are not necessarily preferred if the message of direction is wrong and/or perilous. But we love a catchy phrase and pithy prose. It’s who we are. We live in boorish and churlish world of discourtesy and rudeness that we have transmogrified and shapeshifted into candor, verity and authenticity. Donald Trump creates, paves and constructs his own unnecessary speed bumps and that’s tragic. For him.

The NATO Intervention in Libya, Act II

By Alexander KUZNETSOV | Strategic Culture Foundation | 28.08.2016 As recently acknowledged by The Washington Post, US Special Forces are directly involved in military operations in Libya, «coordinating American airstrikes and providing intelligence information» to local forces battling the Islamic State (IS) for Sirte, 450 kilometres to the east of Tripoli. British special forces have also been active in Libya […]