
Why The Most Unpopular President In History Is Still More Popular Than Hillary Clinton

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks to supporters after winning the New York state primary election, April 19, 2016, in New York. (AP/Kathy Willens)
The latest Bloomberg national poll has found that despite the fact that Donald J. Trump possesses one of the lowest approval rates of all time (41 percent), he is still more popular than Hillary Clinton, who has a net favorability of 39 percent.

Julian Assange names and shames individuals sending him death threats

Julian Assange has spent the better part of the last day re-Tweeting death threats sent to him by various liberals.
He has been re-posting them with the hashtag #tolerantliberal.
He finished the day’s Tweets summarising his views on the maddening death threats against him in the following way,

…There's thousands more on killing me, our other people, maiming, bombing, kidnapping, imprisoning for trying to educate people…
— Julian Assange (@JulianAssange) July 1, 2017

Reactivating Activists: The Failure of Modern Protest Movements

21st Century Wire says…
Why are modern activist movements failing miserably?
That question and much more is discussed in the following video interview, touching on why modern protest movements are mostly a failure, the possibility on President Donald Trump being impeached, and why focusing on the fake news Russian election interference “scandal” is entirely the wrong move:

Tulsi Gabbard Triggers The War Hawks With Her Based Skepticism

21st Century Wire says…
Congresswoman and Iraq War veteran Tulsi Gabbard continues to face down the mainstream propaganda machine with her based and skeptical opinion surrounding the war on Syria, including the recent attacks on Shayrat air base by the United States as a reprisal for the alleged ‘chemical attack’ on Idlib by Damascus.