
Fake news creates real reactions? If so, we are in worse shape than ever.

For the last week, the news headlines have been full of a new “scandal” regarding data mining and targeted ad campaigning based on that data. The parties involved were the Social Media giant Facebook and a group called Cambridge Analytica, a firm that built profiles of about fifty million Facebook users and used them for target political advertising.

“Liberal” MSNBC Remains Totally Silent About US-Backed Decimation of Yemen

(FAIR) — What use is having a “liberal” cable network if it remains silent on the major issues facing the left? As FAIR noted in January (, 1/8/17), MSNBC’s coverage of the US-assisted bombing and siege of Yemen is virtually nonexistent. In the year 2017, MSNBC ran only one segment that focused on the US’s role in Yemen; zero in the […]

The American Left are causing massive problems

We are dealing with two utterly balkanized groups of people in American politics.  These groups have become so polarized that they literally have lost the ability to communicate with one another.  This inability is capitalized upon by the liberal Left far more effectively than the conservative Right in the United States, and this has created massive problems.

Liberals Cheered the Suicide of Kentucky State Representative Dan Johnson

Dan Johnson, who was under investigation for alleged sexual molestation, had said the allegations were fake news, and may have committed suicide as a result. He was found dead on a bridge with the fatal weapon on his person. Johnson had been accused of molesting a 17-year-old girl at Heart of Fire Church in 2013, where he was the pastor. He was never charged over the accusations, but was said to be​ under investigation. [...]

Liberals and Feminists Throw​ing Clintons Under the Bus to​ Hide Past Support

Here is an overview of the liberals and feminists who all of a sudden are condemning the Clintons for their past illegal and immoral activities. The list is notable in that all of them knew about the Clinton transgressions while they were happening but chose to cover for them and attack their victims, instead. The roll call is impressive. [...]