
10 signs that America is in MUCH worse trouble than we all thought

Our cities are becoming cesspools, our nation is falling apart all around us, and it seems like the number of sick, twisted and depraved people is multiplying.
We still have a relatively high standard of living for the moment, but the only reason we can maintain that standard of living is because we are on the greatest debt binge in human history. And once that bubble bursts, I fear for what this nation is going to become, because things are getting really bad out there.

Liberal Dems snagged for revealing playbook for Supreme Court nominee XX

The liberal left in the United States does know one thing. They know that President Trump is pushing them out of dominance. They know that his picks for any Supreme Court nominee will be constitutionalists, and not activists. And, they know that such people are not usually interested in activist, “living document” interpretation of the country’s founding document.

DOJ releases DAMNING report on FBI handling of Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation

The Associated Press on Thursday, June 14th, announced early in the morning that the Justice Department released its long-awaited report. Compiled by Inspector General David Horowitz, the 568 page report details the investigation into the practices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation under Director James Comey in regard to the matter of Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server and her compromise of classified information through the use of a non-secure server.
Here are some of the findings:

Ontario election night thoughts, and a tribute to Doug Ford

In the spirit of my commentary on the night before election results in the 2016 US presidential election, I am writing my thoughts on the Ontario June 7, 2018 election night, publishing this minutes before the polls close at 9 PM. If various polling companies prove correct, with their predictions 24 hours before the election, […]

Here’s the REAL purpose and mission of the Deep State

The media narrative on the pro-Trump side of things is that the RussiaGate investigation is on its last legs and that it is falling apart. The anti-Trump side of this matter says quite the opposite, and keeps promising that the damning evidence is ‘just around the corner’ and that the media sources involved are committed to ‘bringing the truth to the American people’, and so on.

Pope Francis SHOCKS Catholics: OK to be gay

Pope Francis reportedly told a gay man that “God made you that way…” according to a report from the Spanish newspaper El Pais. This article, released on 21 May, 2018, covers the account of a man named Juan Carlos Cruz, who was victimized sexually by a Chilean Roman Catholic priest. Mr. Cruz got to not only speak with the Pope, but actually spent a week at the Pope’s residence in Santa Marta.

World powers want to stick with the Iran Nuclear Deal. The US doesn’t. Here is why.

Today, we turn our attention to Iran and the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, commonly known as the “Iran deal” or the “Iran Nuclear Deal.”
This agreement is heralded in the geopolitical sphere as a treaty and agreement that Iran will not develop nuclear weapons. It was reached in an agreement between Iran, Germany, and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council – China, Russia, France, the United Kingdom and the United States.

President Trump FURIOUS as holes continue to appear in American Syria narrative

President Donald Trump has been angry quite a bit lately. This seems to be the main theme that is trumpeted on the Trump-hating networks like CNN and the other mainstream news media networks. On the morning of April 18, this author was stunned to see how CNN actually called its own people to all “Stay in the same camp” about Russia and Syria, as the drone of the network continued to try to play Trump as an indecisive leader or a Russian sycophant because he upended his UN Envoy Nikki Haley in refusing to impose new sanctions on Russia.

2,230 page “Rebuke” of President Trump shows call for further populist revolution

In 2014, conservative voters in the United States were energized to vote Republican because every candidate for Congress in those midterm elections who was a GOP member, campaigned on one theme.
“If you elect me, I will stop Obama.”
In an amazing outburst of consistency, every single GOP candidate that promised this was elected to office in that midterm. This promise was not part of any “platform” that the Republican Party was offering that year. But it was nevertheless what the American voters wanted.