
Snowflakes: Vote for the War Party

Young as they are, Clinton Snowflakes have the most to lose from a nuclear holocaust. Basically, everything. The life that they’ve been planning. Everything! Like sheep to the slaughter, millions will vote for the Obama-Clinton War Party.
Even Bernie Sanders is in the November 2018 mix, seeking a third Senate term on the same good ol’ War Party ticket.
Like Clinton, Sanders is a seasoned interventionist. Writer Jeffrey St. Clair makes the point that both Clinton and Sanders are in the business of advancing “hawkish policies under the ragged banner of ‘humanitarianism.’”

Shadow of the Tomb Raider Analysis – Theology Chat & Esoteric Elements – Jay Dyer

Watch Jay Dyer plays Tomb Raider and Yucks it UP! from jaydyer007 on
Many people have requested analyses of games over the years, but for a long time I didn’t see the proper venue for doing that, as videos take a long time to produce.  Now that streaming is popular, the process is much easier.  Since we are in a time of censorship, I also want to branch out to have more options to live stream and Twitch works very well.

Rudy Giuliani declares that Russiagate probe will blow up in Mueller’s own face (VIDEO)

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani wasn’t mincing words as he directly called the Mueller special investigation a massive hoax:

“What do [sic] we need to know, that this is a totally illegitimate investigation, based on a report, a ‘dossier’, that was paid for by Hillary Clinton and the Democrats; probably the biggest illegality so far, the biggest collusion so far… completely made up… led to nothing except several fraudulent FISA wires, and now we have Mueller, who doesn’t seem to care that he is sitting on top of a totally illegitimate investigation.”