
Unitarianism, Trinity & Monarchy of the Father – A Discussion

Dr. Beau Branson joins me for a round table discussion with Carlos Xavier of the Human Jesus to discuss the controversial aspects of the history of patristic and biblical debates about dogmatics.  We will cover OT and NT texts, the patristic era and the philosophical and metaphysical questions of who Jesus was and what the evidence supports in terms of dogmatic claims.  Tonight at 7PM CST 

Attorney General William Barr talks race, justice and law in America [Video]

Attorney General William “Bill” Barr has shown himself to be one of President Trump’s very best picks through the course of his first Presidential term of office. This very measured, very calm man has a gift of making legal sense out of chaotic and otherwise very passion-filled situations. It is certainly the truth that presently in the United States there are many highly passion-filled situations taking place simultaneously, and in fact, these are intertwined.

From the Inside: Observations about America in our times [Video]

This piece comprises the thoughts of a friend in America about our nation’s current situation. In his observations, he offers some positive fallout that he believes will come from all the present madness.
We offer his text with only minor edits for clarity and emphasis on content. We also have attached a video from a financial analyst from Bob Kudla from Trade Genius Academy with Dr Steven Turley for additional analysis.

Lucifer & His Boys – Jay Dyer / Michael Witcoff

Michael Witcoff spoke with me last year about his book On the Masons and Their Lies, and last week we discussed the nature of transcendental arguments and presuppositionalism in relation to Orthodox theology and St. Maximos the Confessor’s doctrine of Logos/logoi.  Tonight Michael rejoins me to discuss Lucifer, spiritual warfare, cults and secret societies, demonology and more!


COVID Orthodox Church closures part IV – Concluding thoughts

We hope that this series was helpful in shining some detailed and critical light on the matter of church closures, particularly in the various Eastern Orthodox Christian national churches in the United States and around the world. We looked at the historical precedents in Christianity that show the Church trying tirelessly to help her people.