LGBT equality

Ted Cruz Has Made Himself The Scourge Of Senate Republicans-- And They Don't Like That

In 2009, Nanci Griffith put out an album, The Loving Kind, inspired by the death of Mildred Loving the year before. Nanci and Mildred both saw the clear relationship between the landmark Supreme Court case, Loving v Virginia-- which struck down the miscegenation laws that remained in the South to prohibit marriages of whites and blacks-- to the struggle for LGBT marriage equality.

The Fight For Equality Is On-Going-- Just Ask Mike Honda And Carol Shea Porter

If you come to DWT on any kind of a regular basis, you probably know I'm not a big Obama fan. In fact, voted for Jill Stein in 2012. But one area where President Obama has managed to move the ball forward, in the face of unrelenting and concerted Republican opposition, has been in regard to LGBT equality. Who would have thought back in 2008 we would come so far!

A Wi-Fi censorship story with a happy ending -- more or less

Note the "free WI FI" promise right there on the KenThis is a good-news, bad-news -- or perhaps glass-half-full, glass-half-empty -- story about open Internet access. No, we're not talking about the recent DC Circuit Court of Appeals overturning the FCC's none-too-vigorous attempt at mandating "Net neutrality," or equal access for all content providers, opening the way for ISPs to offer higher speed for higher pay, very likely putting pressure on poorer providers.

As he slithers out of the VA AG's office, defeated guv candidate "Cuckoo Ken" Cuccinelli shows it's never too late to hate the homos

Hey, Cuckoo Man, didn't your mama ever warn you to close your mouth or a fly might fly in?by KenI don't mean to suggest in the post title that there's any term limit on former Virginia AG "Cuckoo Ken" Cuccinelli's homo-hating, which I'm confident he'll carry -- along with all the other insanities infesting his diseased brain -- all the remaining days of his continuing existence on the planet.

LGBT Equality In The Enchantment State-- New Mexico Democrats Are Jubilant While DCCC Hack Is Mum

“Denying same-gender couples the right to marry and thus depriving them and their families of the rights, protections, and responsibilities of civil marriage violates the equality demanded by the Equal Protection Clause of the New Mexico Constitution,” Justice Edward Chavez wrote for the five-member court, which ruled unanimously Thursday, making New Mexico the 17th state jun the Union to back marriage equality for LGBT citizens.New Mexico is a pretty live-a

Bob Dylan Was Right About The Croats-- Most Are Still Fascists To The Core

Croatian fascist leader Ante Pavelić with enthusiastic Franciscan monksToday Croat voters overwhelmingly-- and true to form-- chose to institutionalize the idea that their own LGBT community is less equal than other Croats. With four-fifths of the votes counted, a solid majority appears to have backed the move to amend the Constitution so that gays and lesbians can never get married. I drove through Croatia in 1969.

Why Is Steve Israel Lying To His Own Colleagues About What Jennifer Garrison Is?

Malcolm and JenniferMy grandfather was a Socialist. He told me to always be wary of anyone from the Democratic Party. Funny because Malcolm X and he had similar views of the Democrats back them. Mal: "We won't organize any black man to be a Democrat or a Republican because both of them have sold us out. Both of them have sold us out; both parties have sold us out.

Is The Democratic Party Serious About Fighting For LGBT Equality?

The Democratic Party prides itself on being a big tent so the answer is both yes and no. Mainstream FDR progressives are very serious about equality-- like the Pennsylvania state Senator, DaylinLeach, in the video above. Confused conservatives who, for whatever reason, stumbled into the wrong party are not. When I was growing up, my grandfather, a dedicated Socialist, told me to never trust the Democrats.