LewRockwell.com Blog Posts

Slate Liberal David Plotz Praises the US Military “Killing Machines”

It’s no wonder that Obama sounds no different than George W. Bush on war: the left are just as warlike as the right. Example: On the December 11 Slate Political Gabfest, the hosts discuss B. Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize speech, including his remarks that we should honor American soldiers “not as makers of war, but […]

The Worst Blog Post of 2009

This Huffington Post piece by Alan Kaufman, “Google Books And Kindles: A Concentration Camp Of Ideas“. I thought this piece was a joke at first, but realizing it’s not only reminds of how terrible the left remains. Utterly hostile to technology, commerce, progress, industry, individuality, freedom, and modernity. A few choice sentences are enough to […]