lesser of two evils

Are Democratic Leaders Already "Tea Partying" The Progressives?

Starting today, Blue America has a new contributor, Gaius Publius. You may already be familiar with him from his work at AMERICAblog, Counterpunch, Naked Capitalism, Smirking Chimp, and Truthout. He tends to write a lot about the Climate crisis, strategies for progressives in a neoliberal-dominated world, Deep State and wealth capture of the political process. He's welcome to write about any topics he wants here at DWT.

Public Debate: Ireland Being Pulled Into NATO

An Phoblacht
May 15, 2013
Neutrality debate: ‘Cold War relic NATO should be shut down’
Heated exchanges at Dublin meeting
Mark Maloney

There was tension in the air on Tuesday evening as scores of people packed into Wynn’s Hotel, Dublin, to listen to a debate chaired by Irish Times journalist and security analyst Tom Clonan on whether or not the Irish state should join NATO.

Pope Francis Favored “Gay” Unions in Argentina

MICHAEL HOFFMAN: Note the favorable NY Times portrayal of the new, alleged "Vicar of Christ on earth" as a "deal maker" who works for the "lesser of two evils." When did Jesus Christ cut a deal and work for evil that was "lesser"? This is not the Gospel -- this is the situation ethics of the devil, which the pontiffs have been contaminated with ever since 1515 ,when Medici Pope Leo X issued a Bull permitting low interest loans to the poor, supposedly* so they wouldn't be victimized by the high interest loans of Judaic lenders.