lesser of two evils

Is Hillary Really The Lesser Of Two Evils? Absolutely

The video above is an example of how the Democratic Establishment is going to try to shove their corrupt, hawkish Wall Street puppet down the electorate's throat (if they can get around Bernie). Forget about how awful Hillary is-- forget there is no case for her other than the symbolic case that she's a woman-- and just focus on what an incompetent, ignorant doofus Trump us. And he is. He's worse than her. Worse than her in every way. There's isn't a single way he's better than her, as terrible as she is.What does that say about our system? Republican Beltway hack A.B.

Trump Is No April Fool's Joke

Because Trump's not part of the GOP crackpot Band, he's not politically correct within the finely attenuated right-wing circles where everyone knows you're never supposed to say out loud what he clumsily stumbled into it, that of course women would go to prison for getting an abortion in Republican-world. Even Mike Huckabee, who's been hoping some crumbs would fall his way from a Trump administration, was on Morning Joe admitting that Trump "handled that poorly… It was a terrible answer.

Why South Carolina Democrats Ought To Make History By Rejecting Hillary Clinton Today

Any time I've mentioned that Hillary Clinton is a conservative and the wrong person for the Democratic Party nomination-- using her policy record, her history of campaigning for Nixon, Goldwater and Rockefeller and her time as president of her college's Young Republicans-- low-info Hillary backers (Trumpf isn't the only one dependent on the poorly educated) come screaming onto my

Bernie Sanders And Rand Paul Oppose Sending U.S. Troops To Syria-- But What If They Lose Their Primaries?

In 2008 I had followed Obama's Senate voting record closely enough to know he wasn't the candidate for me-- too corporate, too cautious, too compromised-- but I voted for him anyway. Obviously he was far and away better than McCain and... I admit I had a tiny bit that maybe there was some hope. (I mean, I knew there wasn't but, hey, maybe.) And the first African-American thing...

If Bernie Is The Nominee, You Won't Have To Pick Between The Lesser Of Two Evils

Over the weekend, Bernie Sanders spoke to the biggest live crowd any candidate has drawn so far in the election cycle-- 28,000 people in Portland. Monday night his live audience in Los Angeles was 27,000. Right-wingers celebrate when they draw over 100 people. And, unlike Trump, Bernie isn't paying actors $50 each to show up for his events.

Are We Going To Condemn Ourselves To Voting For The Lesser Of Two Evils For Eternity?

New York State has 62 counties. A majority of voters in only 16 of them backed Andrew Cuomo's reelection as governor last week. He beat Republican Rob Astorino 1,919,225 (53.96%) to 1,443,713 (40.59%)-- with 173,606 votes (4.88%) for Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins.In September Cuomo spent $60.62 per voter to win a 62-35% victory over staunchly progressive icon, Zephyr Teachout, who managed to win 30 counties, several-- like Ulster, Sullivan, Columbia, Schoharie, Saratoga, Otsego, and Tompkins-- with over two thirds of the vote.