lesser of two evils

With His Experience As A University Founder, Would Trump Be America's Education President?

Wonder when more voters will start seeing Trump as the con man he is? If the widely mistrusted and disliked Hillary Clinton is the Democratic Party nominee, her only shot to win is if enough voters are more repulsed by Trump than by her. We've been covering the slow-boiling Trump University scandal for several years-- long before he came down the escalator to announce he is running for president by branding Mexican immigrants rapists.

Noam Chomsky Puts The Kibosh On #NeverHillary/#BernieOrBust Sentiment

YouGov polling released this morning indicates most Bernie voters recognize Hillary is the likely nominee and 68% think she can beat Trump in the general election. Wounds are too fresh, self-righteous indignation too strong and fundamental values-driven differences too apparent to everyone but Joe Biden, for a kumbaya moment... yet.

That Lindsey Graham Magic

Lindsey Graham has always had a tart tongue and he was one of the first of the Deep Bench Republican losers who hissed back at Trump (before dropping out of the race with approximately zero percent support... give or take. He must have been traumatized to see Trump win all 50 South Carolina delegates-- with 32.5%, 10 points higher than second-place finisher Marco Rubio. Trump won every congressional district in the state and every county except Charleston and Richalnd-- and they were both pretty close.

The Case For Electability-- Or Do You Just Not Care That Much If Trump Becomes President?

Endorsements from Trey Gowdy and Nikki Haley didn't save Marco Rubio in the GOP's crucial South Carolina primary. Trump won the multi-candidate contest comfortably and beat Rubio by ten points. He won all 50 delegates to the Republican Party convention. In fact, in Greenville and Spartanburg counties-- Gowdy's district-- Rubio came in a miserable third.

Offended By The Gadarene Swine Republicans? Is America About To Be Taught A Lesson For Tolerating Toxic Garbage In Our Midst?

Who knew what an advocate of an anti-trust agenda Trump is! He's now threatening to use political power against the owner of the Washington Post-- and using a distorted version of Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren terminology to do it-- for daring to investigate him during the campaign. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, is, according to Trump, using the Washington Post as a political tool to keep his taxes low.

Republicans Use The Same Lesser-Of-Two-Evils" Argument That Hillary Supporters Use

When he was running against Trump, Rick Perry said "he offers a barking carnival act that can be best described as Trumpism: a toxic mix of demagoguery, mean-spiritedness and nonsense that will lead the Republican Party to perdition if pursued. Let no one be mistaken--Donald Trump’s candidacy is a cancer on conservatism, and it must be clearly diagnosed, excised, and discarded." Thursday Perry discarded his diagnosis and announced he would not just vote for this cancer on conservatism but will do everything he can to help get him elected.