lesser of two evils

Democratic Candidates Are Advocating A Progressive Agenda And Are Happy To Make The Election A Referendum On Trump

GOP candidates rallying behind Trump read an ABC News headline yesterday. Some are, of course... and some aren't. The line that interested me most, though, was "Republicans appear far more comfortable touting Trump’s leadership than Democrats do arguing against it." Again, some are and some aren't-- on both ends of that statement.

"...Supporting The Same Kind Of Candidates Long Favored By The Political Establishment And Financial Elite"

Kirkpatrick and Ashford-- the worst of the DCCC recruitsThis quote from Bernie is taking on a life of its own online "We cannot defeat Trump and the Republican Party with the same playbook, or by supporting the same kind of candidates long favored by the political establishment and financial elite.

The DCCC Electoral Philosophy Is Entirely Based On Pushing The Lesser Of Two Evils

The DCCC and the New DemsNo one in their right mind is ever going to call Rick Santorum a liberal, or even a moderate, but he can't fool himself any longer about Señor T having any kind of relationship with Truth. The day after the Washington Post's Fact Checker announced that Trump had told 3,001 lies since taking office Santorum told CNN that Trump's a liar (but that Obama was a worse liar).

What Do You Do About Maine?

Angus King, an Independent and popular Senate incumbent, caucuses and generally votes with the Democrats. He's up for reelection in November. His ProgressivePunch lifetime crucial vote score is pretty miserable, closest to Missouri conservaDem Claire McCaskill, but slightly better than 3 Democrats, Joe Donnelly (IN), Heidi Heitkamp (ND) and Joe Manchin (WV). Still, his 67.71 score is considerably better than the least horrible Republican, Susan Collins (also from Maine), whose score is 26.24. The state's PVI is D+3-- but the Democratic Party is not exactly thriving there.

You Have To Be Crazy To Expect The Institutional Democratic Party To Be Anything More Than The Lesser Of Two Evils-- Two Really Evil Evils

After the massacre in Las Vegas normal Americans thought it would be the perfect time to push for saner gun policies, not just banning bump stock devices (a ban opposed by the NRA)-- which have no other purpose but to turn legal semi-automatics into mass murder machines as they did in Las Vegas-- but to prevent dangerous and mentally

Kamala Harris May Turn Out To Be Great-- Give Her A Chance

God save us!I'm old. New Rule: When you're old you don't have to vote for the lesser of two evils any more. Now if a candidate isn't offering me something I want, I won't vote for them. I've never voted for my Democratic congressman, Adam Schiff, who was, until recently when he switched to the almost-as-bad New Dems, a Blue Dog.