
Paul LePage Denies He Talked With Domestic Terrorists About Executing Or Hanging Democratic Legislative Leaders

There's supposed to be this huge chasm in the Maine Republican Party between the business-oriented moderates and the far right extremists (with another split in their for the Ron Paul libertarian branch). The moderates have been the home base for respectable political leaders like Senators Margaret Chase Smith, Bill Cohen, Olympia Snowe.

Can Maine Head The Plutocrats Off At The Pass-- Or At Least At The Waters' Edge?

I was reading the other day that one of the poor, benighted states controlled by Republicans is about to pass a bill allowing for campaign contributions from foreign nationals, not dual citizens like Israeli agents Sheldon and Miriam Adelson, but full blown foreigners with a position they want to see supported in the U.S. Congress.

Maine's Tea Party Governor Paul LePage Wants To Abolish Child Labor Laws

Politics isn't something polite people people discuss at dinner, especially not with strangers. Not since high school when the class year book referred to me as gallant, has anyone accused me of being polite. The first day of my Galapagos cruise a few weeks ago, we hadn't even boarded the ship yet when I ferreted out that one of my fellow passengers was not just a Republican from Chicago, but a Republican from Chicago enamored of Rahm Emanuel!