
“But Jesus Didn’t Use a Condom … “

With the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and as residents in the first state to officially ban abortion, sexually active Missourians are f*cked or, rather, will be literally unf*cked in the near future once state legislators succumb to a targeted pressure campaign to criminalize contraceptives.  Historically and politically, all roads lead to Missouri’s small, but […]
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Shaq Dunks the Voice

The scale was jaw dropping and amusing.  There he was, the still fresh Labor Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, rendered pygmy-like by the enormity of one Shaquille O’Neal, popularly known as Shaq.  No degree of expert photography at this press conference could conceal the disparity in size between the two. Albanese has made it his crowning […]
The post Shaq Dunks the Voice first appeared on Dissident Voice.

More from My Chat with Vandana Shiva

Earlier this week, I shared episode 49 of my podcast, Post-Woke. It was mostly a conversation between me and Vandana Shiva. In case you missed it, here’s a brief and slightly edited excerpt. I trust it will inspire you to listen to the full podcast right here. Mickey Z: I first saw you speak in person in […]
The post More from My Chat with Vandana Shiva first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Bill of Impeachment Against President Biden to Stop War with Russia!

117th Congress H.Res. XX 1st Session Impeaching Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., President of the United States For high crimes and misdemeanors _____________________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES July 28, 2020 Mr./Ms. Y submitted the following resolution, which was referred to the Committee on Judiciary. A RESOLUTION Impeaching Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., President of the United […]

How to Correct the Unconstitutional Rulings of the Current Supreme Court

OPTIONS. There are three means by which the unconstitutional rulings by the current Supreme Court could be lawfully corrected: (1) thru new legislation, or (2) & (3) thru changing the composition of the Court (either by adding 4 addition Judges or by removing and replacing the rogue Judges) followed by obtaining reconsideration of said rulings […]

Dismantling the Constitution

That was when they suspended the Constitution. They said it would be temporary. There wasn’t even any rioting in the streets. People stayed home at night, watching television, looking for some direction. There wasn’t even an enemy you could put your finger on. — Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale We are witnessing the gradual dismantling […]
The post Dismantling the Constitution first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The Major Questions Doctrine: The US Supreme Court Blunts the EPA

The US Supreme Court has been frantically busy of late, striking down law and legislation with an almost crazed, ideological enthusiasm.  Gun laws have been invalidated; Roe v Wade and constitutional abortion rights, confined to history.  And now, the Environmental Protection Agency has been clipped of its powers in a 6-3 decision. The June 30 […]

Declare Your Independence from Tyranny, America

Imagine living in a country where armed soldiers crash through doors to arrest and imprison citizens merely for criticizing government officials. Imagine that in this very same country, you’re watched all the time, and if you look even a little bit suspicious, the police stop and frisk you or pull you over to search you […]
The post Declare Your Independence from Tyranny, America first appeared on Dissident Voice.

It is Not Love that Abandons Its Treaties

The Tsilhqot’in Struggle On 26 March 2018, Canada’s prime minister Justin Trudeau spoke of the six Tsilhqot’in chiefs who were arrested during a sacred peace-pipe ceremony and subsequently hanged for their part in a war to prevent the spread of smallpox by colonialists: “We recognize that these six chiefs were leaders of a nation, that […]
The post It is Not Love that Abandons Its Treaties first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Gun Confiscation Laws Put a Target on the Back of Every American

What we do not need is yet another pretext by which government officials can violate the Fourth Amendment at will under the guise of public health and safety. Indeed, at a time when red flag gun laws (which authorize government officials to seize guns from individuals viewed as a danger to themselves or others) are […]
The post Gun Confiscation Laws Put a Target on the Back of Every American first appeared on Dissident Voice.