
Pipe Dream Version 2.0

When in the course of human destiny the aggressions of a Government against the people it has been formed to protect become so untenable and egregious as to threaten the security and freedom of that people, it is the sacred duty and obligation of said people to detach from and dissolve that Government until such a time arises when it is safe to once more reconstitute the union with the proper assurances allowed for that prove conditions have been made congruent and agreeable with the basic God-given rights that all people are naturally born with, including among these: the right to life, li

Carding, Racial Profiling and Racial Discrimination in Ontario

This past week, the Toronto media reported on two new studies relating to racial discrimination or racism perpetrated against African Canadians by persons, agencies and institutions that are central to the supposed equal application and benefit of the law pursuant to section 15 of the Charter and related sections of the Ontario Human Rights Code, without discrimination on the basis of race and other grounds.

Kangaroo Court Justice for Hassan Diab

On November 13, 2008, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) unjustly arrested Diab. In connection with a 1980 Paris synagogue bombing. A crime he had nothing to do with. At the time, France’s Le Figaro newspaper cited unnamed 2007 sources. Saying Diab led “the small commando team responsible for the attack…” Despite no verifiable evidence proving it.
In mid-November 2008, L’Express said French police, magistrates and intelligence officers were in Canada.