
The President and the leaks: Sessions and Coats finally act

That Donald Trump’s Presidency is being effectively sabotaged by a campaign of leaking from inside the US government bureaucracy is disputed by no one.
That many of these leaks flagrantly violate the law and have been used in the most unethical way – for example to engineer the removal of General Michael Flynn – is rarely said, but is also undoubtedly true.

How The Government Gained The Upper Hand Against Leakers

Daniel Ellsberg, the whistleblower responsible for releasing the Pentagon Papers, speaks during a rally in support of Army Pfc. Chelsea Manning, outside the gates of Fort Meade, Md, Aug. 21, 2013. (AP/Patrick Semansky)
In October 1969, a national security official named Daniel Ellsberg began secretly photocopying 7,000 classified Vietnam War documents. He had become increasingly frustrated with the systematic deception of top U.S. leaders who sought to publicly escalate a war that, privately, they knew was unwinnable.

Chelsea Manning: Seeing Victims Of US War As ‘People’ – Not ‘Statistics’ – Compelled Leaks

“I stopped seeing just statistics and information, and I started seeing people,” Manning said. (Photo: ABC News Screenshot)
U.S. Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning has given her first interview since being released from prison last month in which she explains her motivations for making public thousands of military documents.
Excerpts of her interview with ABC‘s “Nightline” co-anchor Juju Chang aired Friday on the network’s “Good Morning America.”