Larry Kudlow

We Know Exactly Who The Democrats Want To Bail Out-- They Passed A Bill Months Ago... What About Trump And The Republicans?

Lambchop by Nancy OhanianDoesn't it seem like the GOP actually wants to inflict misery on the working class? It seems that way because it is that way. McConnell purposely let the eviction moratorium and enhanced unemployment benefits expire before allowing even a discussion in the Senate about what to do to alleviate Trump's COVID-economy.

The Trump Regime Still Doesn't Understand How To Flatten The Curve-- Or Doesn't Want To Understand

Confirmed COVID-19 cases in Wisconsin have been ticking up among people who were forced by the Republican Party to take part in an in-person primary election on April 7. The state's cases per million goes up everyday and shot up beyond 1,000 cases per million in the population. As of yesterday, there were 6,520 confirmed cases, up 231 since Tuesday. The rate per million increased from 1,088 to 1,128.

America is Now Democratic Socialist

Take careful notice – as of March 2020, the United States is operating as a more than strict Democratic Socialist system. The government is regulating aspects of American life — economic, social, and medical. The Federal Reserve is printing money and making it available to financial and commercial industries and the public. Americans are being told what to do, what to produce and where they can go.

Coronavirus: People are left alone in the face of a rapidly growing virus pandemic – some thoughts out of Germany

By Roman Baudzus | Institute For Political Economy | March 3, 2020

Germany’s Federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn (CDU), is a professional politician and a bureaucrat, so it can be assumed that Spahn may have learned a lot from Jean-Claude Juncker, who recently resigned as the EU´s Commission President.