
Shakespeare said it best

Much ado about nothing.
That’s the “Russian interference” in the 2016 American election.
A group of Russians operating from a building in St. Petersburg, we are told in a February 16 US government indictment, sent out tweets, Facebook and YouTube postings, etc. to gain support for Trump and hurt Clinton even though most of these messages did not even mention Trump or Clinton; and many were sent out before Trump was even a candidate.

ASEAN, China to work on maritime Code of Conduct

Trade ties have significantly improved and tensions over the South China Sea have eased since Xi called Duterte’s October 2016 visit to Beijing a “milestone” in China-Philippine relations [Xinhua]
China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have agreed to begin work on a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea, the media in the Philippines reported Wednesday.

Political changes in Cambodia should make the US nervous about its Vietnam policy

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US Cuts Funds for Disarming Explosives It Dropped on Cambodia

By Tony Cartalucci – New Eastern Outlook – 15.11.2017 In an article by Thai PBS titled, “US cuts 2018 funding for demining operations in Cambodia,” it’s revealed that next year’s meager $2 million in US government funding for demining operations of US unexploded ordnance (UXO) in eastern Cambodia leftover from the Vietnam War has been […]

ASEAN, China move closer on South China Sea conflict resolution

China and ASEAN have for years been discussing a code of conduct in the South China Sea, but now they are closer than ever on a unified document [Xinhua]
The question of territorial rights in the South China Sea has taken center stage at the 20th China-ASEAN (10+1) leaders’ meeting hosted by the Philippine capital Manila, as it has in recent years.
But China is slowly making headway with its neighbors to resolve outstanding territorial disputes over access to the strategic body of water that straddles, Vietnam, Laos, Japan, Philippines and China.

Russia’s nuclear diplomacy has returned Moscow’s global strategic reach

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America’s mixed up Taliban policy amounts to ‘kill for peace’

During the height of the American war in Vietnam, an underground radical musical group,The Fugs released a song called Kill For Peace. The polemic meaning was a clear mockery of a US policy that involved dropping bombs on Vietnam under the guise of fighting for peace. The song’s message succeeded just as sure as the war in Vietnam ultimately failed.

Empire’s Day of Reckoning

Dawn. Another day amidst the crumbling walls of Empire. Mired in the middle of its Misinformation Machine. Sharing fouled air with mindless, misguided, huddled masses. Electronically hypnotized zombies, grossly overfed on dead flesh and chemicals, arteries clogged, welcome mats for every known disease. Bodies pierced in each available spot, covered head to toe with inky, ill-conceived epidermal etchings, bizarre, flowing rainbow locks, fluorescent-painted lips and nails, sewn-on eyebrows, glazed, hopeless, expressionless, but highly decorated young faces, facing meaningless futures.

Middle Eastern Surgeon Speaks About the “Ecology of War”

Dr. Gus Abu-Sitta
Dr. Gus Abu-Sitta is the head of the Plastic Surgery Department at the AUB Medical Center in Lebanon. He specializes in: reconstructive surgery. What it means in this part of the world is clear: they bring you people from the war zones, torn to pieces, missing faces, burned beyond recognition, and you have to try to give them their life back.

Pipelines, Tomahawks, and the Syrian Gulf of Tonkin

Right off the bat, you may have realized that The Gulf of Tonkin is nowhere near Syria.  But if you’re familiar with The Gulf of Tonkin Incident from 1964, in which the American public was duped by its government into believing that its Navy was fired upon by North Vietnam forces – a lie which resulted in the deaths of 58,000+ U.S. Military Boys, and several untold, uncounted, superfluous millions of Vietnamese, Laotians, and Cambodians – you too may be doubting the official U.S.