Kwame Nkrumah

We Have Here, in Africa, Everything Necessary to Become a Powerful, Modern, and Industrialised Continent

Wu Fang (China), 行走 (‘Journey’), 2017. In his 1963 book, Africa Must Unite, Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana’s first president, wrote, ‘We have here, in Africa, everything necessary to become a powerful, modern, industrialised continent. United Nations investigators have recently shown that Africa, far from having inadequate resources, is probably better equipped for industrialisation than almost any […]

Rename the Lester B. Pearson Airport

Many monuments, memorials and names of institutions across Canada celebrate our colonial and racist past. Calls for renaming buildings or pulling down statues are symbolic ways of reinterpreting that history, acknowledging mistakes and small steps towards reconciling with the victims of this country’s policies.
At its heart this process is about searching for the truth, a guiding principle that should be shared by both journalists and historians.

Entretien avec Eloïse Benhammou, pour son livre « Kleptocratie française »

La maison d’édition de Pierre Jovanovic « Le jardin des livres », présente « Kleptocratie française », un livre d’Eloïse Benhammou. Jouant sur le fameux « Démocratie française » de Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, l’auteur nous montre comment le système social et fiscal français est passé en quelques années entre les mains du grand capital et de la haute finance.

Self Determination: What it is, What it isn’t

Mass resistance against police brutality in the US resurfaced after 18-year-old Michael Brown was murdered by the police in August of 2014. The sights of tanks and militarized police forces in response to the subsequent rebellions in Ferguson and St. Louis only blew air on the flames of injustice that were ignited when Michael Brown’s killer, officer Darren Wilson, was not indicted by the US judicial system. Since then, hundreds of Black Americans have been killed at the hands of the police.