
This is Genocide: The U.S. Senate’s Armenian Gambit vis-à-vis Turkey

Dr Can Erimtan
21st Century Wire
Now that Donald Trump is inhabiting the White House, the waning of the U.S. as a global power is all but accelerating. Some countries though still seem to attach a lot of importance to American words and actions. The Republic of Turkey, currently ruled by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (or the Prez) and his Justice and Development Party (or AKP) appears to be a case in point.

Airstrikes? Russian Jets Intercepting Israel Fighter Jets? Remember When... Russian Sub/British Nuclear Sub Tangle

Below will be a number of articles covering activities that are claimed to have taken place in and around Syria. Don't see how it can be verified. But, what makes this all so curious is these incidents directly preceded the  "Russian Doping Scandal" as Anti Russian Hysteria ContinuesLast week I'd noticed there were reports of unknown airstrikes taking place in Syria and mentioned it to my hubby at that time.