
Trump's Political Operation... A Joke

Who gives Trump his political advice? I mean the day to day stuff? Whoever it is is definitely an amateur. See that tweet below? You won't see the generic one-size-firs-all endorsement on Trump's Twitter feed. He took it down when someone mentioned to him that though Steve Stivers' district is also in the Columbus area, he isn't the faceless candidate Trump is going to flying into Columbus to back this weekend.

Are You Enjoying The Trump V Koch War? You Should

Trump always seems to make sure that there are people in his circle who are bigger morons than he is. It probably makes him feel smart. So is he ready to get rid of the nightly TV shows' clownish oaf? Also the morning shows'. It probably takes the psychic pressure off him that it's Giuliani getting lambasted on CNN and MSNBC in primetime everyday. Don McGahan, on the other hand, is an actual lawyer, not a p.r. flack.

Koch v Trump-- And A Take-Over Of The Corrupt, Money-Hungry Big Tent Democratic Party

How many hundreds of millions of dollars has the Koch network pumped into the Republican Party-- and continue pumping into the Republican Party ($400 million this cycle alone)? Their far-right "libertarian" ideas have become dominant inside GOP congressional circles, even if not among Republican voters. Now that Trump has taken over and is remaking the Party, the Kochs are understandably discomforted. And now...

Koch Brothers Network In The Age Of Trump-- Confused, Hypocritical And As Evil As Ever

The weekend's Koch brothers biannual 3-day conclave of wealthy right-wing political donors, featured a video of Charles Koch blasting Trump's trade agenda. In Colorado Springs they got to hear Charles explaining that "the urge to protect ourselves from change has doomed many counties throughout history.

Trump May "Love" The Poorly Educated, Most Republicans Want To Create Lots And Lots Of Them

The Koch network, wrote Annie Linskey for the Boston Globe a few months ago, "has pledged to devote around $400 million toward politics and policy in the midterms to hold the GOP majorities in both chambers. That’s 60 percent more than the network spent in 2014, when Republicans picked up nine seats in the Senate and 13 seats in the House of Representatives."