
DC Is a Fetid Cesspool Of Anti-Democracy Corruption-- Whether We're Talking About Cheri Bustos (D) or Moscow Mitch (R)... Same Garbage

real picture of two fascistsThis week AP reporter John Hanna reported how McConnell is moving to deny Kansas Republicans the opportunity to pick their own Senate nominee this year, basically using the same anti-democracy tactics that Schumer uses with the DSCC and that Cheri Bustos uses in the House.I'm no fan of Kansas racist and neo-Nazi Kris Kobach

Bannon's Scammy Wall Halted In Texas

Neo-fascist Trump supporter, Stephen Bannon, decided to ignore all the legal barriers and just build a wall of hatred and bigotry with money from Trump racist, xenophobic supporters. He probably shouldn't have picked bright blue Hidalgo County, Texas for the stunt. In 2016, Hillary crushed Trump there-- 79.0% to 18.9%. Last year, Beto clubbed Ted Cruz and in the gubernatorial race, Lupe Valdez had a landslide win against Gov. Greg Abbott.

Will Kansas Be The Silver Spike Through The Heart Of Moscow Mitch?

Alabama and Kansas are very different demographically-- Alabama, for example, has a sizable African-American population (26.4%) and Kansas' African-American population is just 5.6%-- but the two states have something very much in common: both are Republican bastions. Alabama's PVI is R+14 and Kansas' is R+13. In 2016, Hillary won just 34% in Alabama and 36% in Kansas. Alabam's politics is based on racism.

Can The Democrats Win Back The Senate Next Year?

Dan McCarthy, a right-wing Arizona Republican skincare company executive who is challenging Martha McSally for her Senate seat next year, told a Phoenix radio audience this week that "the Washington DC establishment, Mitch McConnell... the swamp creatures of Washington, DC-- they've given us two choices, McSally or Kelly. I'm a conservative outsider. I've been looking at this for a little while and I said, 'I'm not so sure if that's acceptable to me; I'd don't know if the status quo's OK...

Yesterday's Elections-- The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

There was no primary or special election in North Carolina yesterday and the Democratic candidate, Dan McCready, is a Blue Dog who will be voting frequently with the GOP when he gets into Congress-- Blue Dogs always do. But with the existential danger of Trump hanging over us, with have to hold our noses and hope congressional candidates like McCready win. And in this case, we probably don't have to hope too hard, because he's very likely to win.