Keystone XL pipeline

Carl Sciortino Faces A Democrat Who Thinks Keystone XL And Citizens United Are Just Fine

Brownsberger wants to stand out-- even if only as the worst candidate in the raceA Republican isn't going to win Ed Markey's old House seat, MA-05. The district is very blue. Last year Markey was reelected 254,128 (76%) to 82,286 (24%). The district is composed of 24 townships. Markey rocked every one of them. Obama beat former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney 65-33%. The PVI is D+14. Republicans don't win in D+14 districts. The whole ball game in MA-05 is the primary.

What About All Those Great Keystone XL Pipeline Jobs Boehner Is Always Barking About?

You don't have to be a congressman in a borrowed lab coat to do the math... but our old friend, Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) explains the dangers of Keystone XL and the tar sands it wants to pipe though the heart of America better than anyone else tonight (above). For example, have you heard Boehner running around like a chicken without a head squawking that the pipeline would create 250,000 jobs?

Keystone XL Pipeline-- The Coming Catastrophe, Politically Speaking

"If he honestly believes," says Van Jones in the video clip above, "that this pipeline-- which will be a huge part of his legacy-- is a good thing, he should call it the Obama Tar Sands Pipeline." Yes, a huge part of his legacy. The House may have made it easy for him-- whichever decision he makes. Last week they passed H.R. 3, which removes Obama from the decision-making process, despite this being a deal that involves the U.S. border, over which he has constitutional authority. So...

Keystone XL Pipeline Gets It's Big House Vote Tomorrow

John Barrow (GA), one of the shadiest and most cowardly fake-Dems in the House, is a co-chair of the reactionary Blue Dogs and a member of the corrupt, corportaely-owned New Dems. In 2012 the top 38 recipients of legalistic bribes from Big Oil & Gas were all Republicans. The 39th biggest bribe taker was John Barrow, who got $106,900.