Keystone XL pipeline

NAFTA Partners Pushing North American Competitiveness Integration Agenda

The recent North American Leaders Summit in Mexico was seen as a perfect opportunity to try and kick start the trilateral partnership. While there was no headline grabbers or major breakthroughs, the NAFTA partners still moved forward on some crucial issues that centered around North American competitiveness. They developed a shared set of priorities and established a roadmap for enhancing cooperation in areas such as trade, transportation, energy, as well as border facilitation.

Keystone XL May Not Be Dead But Could The Democrats Win A Senate Seat In Nebraska?

Nebraska? It's a conservative bastion. Even the occasional Democrat who gets elected to something there is conservative-- think Ben Nelson, one of the Insurance Industry asswipes who destroyed the public option and ruined the Affordable Care Act. The state has one of the biggest percentages of registered Republicans of any state in the Union-- and they hold every federal and every statewide office. Of the state's 93 counties, no fewer than 89-- and in one case, all 93-- have gone red in the last 4 presidential races!

Rubber Hits The Road-- Will Obama Give In To The Keystone XL Polluters?

A few days ago I was having dinner with some friends at my favorite vegetarian restaurant in L.A., Crossroads on Melrose, when one of California's most effective and persistent environmental activists, Steve Bing, came over and sat down. "You've got to do more to stop this Keystone XL pipeline." I don't want to repeat what he said about John Kerry but he kept urging me to work harder in the netroots to keep Obama from OK-ing the agreement. Me? He's Steve Bing.

Economic Justice is the Solution

A paradigm shift is taking place. It is coming from the awareness that all of our crises are connected to an economy rigged for the wealthiest. The symptoms of big finance capitalism create the poverty, low wages, economic insecurity and environmental destruction so a handful can profit. While these facts have been hidden by political leaders and corporate mass media, now people are seeing them and understand the task we have before us.
The Radical Dr. King

Do We Need Water?

It’s not generally known, but we maintain a hard-hitting investigative reporter (we call him a rapporteur for added class). Rap formerly distinguished himself when he was embedded as a mole in the famous RCMP Musical Ride, where he served undercover as shovel man. With this unique rear-view perspective, Rap produced a tour de force that narrowly missed winning him a Pulitzer Prize, disqualified only because the subject was of absolutely no interest to Americans and also because Rap is a dwarf.