Keystone Kops

Florida Cop “Accidentally Discharges” Gun While Searching Campus for Unfounded Report of Muslim with Gun

A Florida SWAT team swarmed a college campus Tuesday after an unconfirmed report of a Muslim with a gun in a stairwell, evacuating classrooms and the library, searching every room for an hour before they determined the campus was safe from terror.
But then one cop fired his weapon, leaving a bullet hole in the roof of his patrol car.
University of Central Florida police said that it was all done in the name of safety.
According to News 6:

Wisconsin Undercover Cop Illegally Detains Man for Recording Traffic Stop

“Don’t stop people unlawfully,” said the Wisconsin man, “Honor your oath, honor your oath.”
A Wisconsin cop was caught on camera doing a traffic stop in an undercover car, and retaliated against the citizen by detaining him for absolutely no reason.
“I’m just curious,” was the Wisconsin cop’s original logic.
When the poor citizen asked the cop to articulate what actual crime he was suspected of committing, the officer could do nothing more than silently nod his head.

Drunken Chicago Cop Pulled Over For Shooting Empty Car, Not Charged For DUI

A Chicago cop fired his gun into a purple Chrysler PT Cruiser, killing the car, and resulting in his felony arrest.
After hearing gunshots, Ediberto Diaz was observed by two cops at the Village of Melrose Park – a suburb in Cook County – walking quickly to his red pickup truck and attempting to drive away when the officers made an investigatory stop.
The report – seen below – said Diaz, “smelled of a strong odor of alcoholic beverage.”
Miraculously, driving away from the scene of a crime while drunk did not cause the Melrose Park officers to charge Diaz with a DUI.

Florida Cops Shoot Up Family’s Home After Responding to Wrong Address

Florida police riddled a man’s home with bullets as his wife and son slept inside early Saturday morning, only to later tell him they had responded to the wrong address.
Nevertheless, Ocoee police forced the family outside, handcuffing them to the curb, refusing to let them back inside for ten hours.
This same department was exposed earlier this week as covering up for a veteran police officer who was accused of receiving drugs and money from a local street gang.
Now the little known police outside just northwest of Orlando has a lot of explaining to do.

Manslaughter Charge Dropped for Ex-Con Son Of NYPD Cop Accused of Killing Activist Before Fleeing

Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance this week dropped the manslaughter charge against the ex-con son of a well-connected NYPD family who was caught on video driving onto a sidewalk while texting before striking and killing an outspoken civil rights activist, then fleeing the scene on foot and evading police for more than two months, all while he was on parole after serving a three-year prison stint on drug charges.

LAPD Officers Not Charged for Shooting Up Newspaper Delivery Truck More Than 100 Times in Mistaken Identity

In a case of mistaken identity, the LAPD officers that opened fire on innocent civilians will not face charges, the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office announced last week.
But Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck said the eight officers involved in the shooting violated the department’s deadly force policy.
That was, before he changed his mind and allowed the officers back to full-time duty.
The incident took place on February 7, 2013 when Margie Carranza and Emma Hernandez were delivering Los Angeles Times newspapers around 5 a.m.

Massachusetts Man Awarded $72,500 Settlement After he was Arrested Video Recording Cop Spewing Profanity

A Massachusetts man who was arrested on wiretapping charges for video recording a cop in front of his home yelling profanities into a phone was awarded a $72,500 settlement Monday.
George Thompson, a lifelong cook, said he is investing the money into a food truck named Bozo’s – in honor of the cop who arrested him – Fall River police officer Thomas Barboza.
Barboza, who received a one-day suspension for the profanities, is more than welcome to dine at Bozo’s after it opens this summer, Thompson said in an interview with Photography is Not a Crime Monday evening.

How a Minnesota Activist Exposed a Cop Troll Encouraging Murder, Leading to the Cop’s Suspension

Minnesota activist Andrew Henderson recently shined a light on a cop who was urging readers of a local newspaper to run over protesters in the comments section of an article about an upcoming Black Lives Matter rally that took place on Martin Luther King Day.
Using the moniker JM Roth, the cop explained to readers that all they had to do was say they were in fear for their lives and the courts would rule in their favor.

Chicago Police Admit They “Accidentally” Shot and Killed Woman While Trying to Shoot and Kill Teen for “Lunging”

Adding to tensions that have reached a boiling point in the Windy City, Chicago police admitted they “accidentally” shot and killed a 55-year-old woman while trying to kill a 19-year-old man early Saturday morning.
But police expressed their “deepest condolences” to the family of Bettie Jones, explaining they had to kill Quintonio LeGrier because he had come charging at them with a baseball bat, making them fear for their lives.
And she just happened to be in the way.