Keystone Kops

Missouri Cops Caught on Camera Killing Family Dog

Missouri cops were caught on camera killing a family dog after knocking on a door of a residence and fearing for their lives when the dog came running out to greet them.
Or as they call it, “lunged” at them.
The surveillance video shows Sierra, a rescue dog, did not act any differently than many dogs do when strangers come knocking on the door; a little excited and curious, but probably not planning to do anything but sniff the cop.
Usually, all it takes is to allow the dog to sniff your hand to put it at ease, then pet it. Dogs are not very hard to win over.

New York Cops Run Over Groundhog During Police Union Golf Tournament

In a callous and macabre disregard for life, two New York police officers were seen chasing down and intentionally running over a groundhog with a golf cart.
The incident occurred during a Rensselaer police union golf tournament Friday, so it probably won’t be long before the union informs us that the groundhog was somehow threatening the lives of the officers.

New Jersey Cops Shoot Elderly Man After Responding to Wrong Home

New Jersey cops arrived at the wrong address to investigate a 911 hang-up call, shooting an elderly man multiple times as he stood in his own living room.
The man had fired his shotgun at them through the door thinking they were intruders.
But only after police fired first.
An investigation conducted by New Jersey State Police has since determined the 911 call did not come from 76-year old Gerald Sykes’ residence in Cumberland County as they first believed.

New York Cops Arrests Man for Recording, Telling Him, “I’m Going to Fuck You Up” (Updated II)

A New York cop finished making an arrest Thursday before turning to a man recording the arrest from across the street – a man who had not said a word to the officer – and threatened to arrest that man if he said another word.
Maurice “Mo” Crawley did not understand what the cop had just said, so he asked him to repeat himself.
And that was enough to get him arrested.
It was a blatant violation of Crawley’s Constitutional rights as well as a clear case of retaliation from a cop who did not appreciate being recorded.

North Miami Cop Shoots Man With Hands Up, Begging Not to be Shot (Updated)

North Miami police shot Charles Kinsey, even though he had his hands up and was begging them not to shoot him.
But police were not taking any chances because Kinsey’s companion, a 24-year-old autistic man, was holding a toy truck, which they feared could be a gun.
It was a tense 15 minutes as Kinsey lay on his back, his hands in the air, yelling at the officers that the toy truck was not a gun. Telling them that the man holding the toy truck was developmentally disabled. And informing them that he was the man’s caretaker.

Illinois Police Arrest Man for Felony Flag Burning on Fourth of July Despite it Being Protected Speech (Updated)

An Illinois man who celebrated the Fourth of July weekend by burning an American flag in protest against the United States was arrested Monday as a reminder that freedom in this country is mostly a facade.
After all, the United States Supreme Court ruled decades ago that flag burning as a form of protest is protected by the First Amendment, that same Constitutional act that also guarantees us free speech, including the right to petition the government for redress of grievances.

New Jersey Cops Arrest Woman for Remaining Silent Before Reading Her Rights

New Jersey state police arrested a woman for exercising her Constitutional right to remain silent.
Or as they called it; “obstruction.”
But they were sure to inform Rebecca Musarra that she had the right to remain silent – once she was handcuffed and placed in the back of the patrol car.
She was then transported to a local police department, but released two hours later with no charges against her after a supervisor reviewed the footage and chalked it up to a rookie mistake.
The two arresting officer, Matthew Stazzone and Demetric Gosa, were hired in 2014.

San Diego Cop Negligently Fires at Baby Crib Less Than a Year After Killing Unarmed Man

In April 2015, San Diego police Neal “Nick” Browder shot and killed a homeless man in an alleyway after claiming the man came charging at him with a knife.
Surveillance video eventually proved that Fridoon Rawshan Nehad not only did not charge at Browder, he was only carrying a pen.
But Browder was cleared anyway because he uttered the magic words that he was in fear for his life.
More recently on February 20, 2016, Browder was searching the home of a probationer when he “accidentally” fired his gun, sending a bullet through a baby crib.

Illinois Campus Cop Drops Gun After Trying to Pry Information from Activist Outfit Off Campus (Update)

An Illinois college campus cop who was acting slick when trying to pry information about an activist center that happens to be off campus ended up dropping his gun after he was told to go stuff it.
The Southern Illinois University police officer, whom we’ve identified as Detective John Christel, was in in plainclothes when he was captured on video asking questions about the Flyover Infoshop, which abides by “anarchistic principles.”

Oklahoma Volunteer Deputy who “Paid to Play” Found Guilty of Killing Suspect

It took less than three hours Wednesday for an Oklahoma jury to find a volunteer sheriff’s deputy guilty of manslaughter for shooting a man who was restrained and laying facedown beneath a pile of deputies.
Robert Bates, a wealthy 74-year-old insurance agent who would donate cash, trips and toys to the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office in exchange for dressing up as a deputy and joining them on drug raids, claimed he had shot the suspect by accident.