Keystone Kops

Watch: Two California Motorcycle Cops Crash into Each Other

A Southern California man was out cop watching when he recorded a motorcycle cop drop his bike on a second motorcycle cop, sending that cop tumbling to the pavement.
The videographer who goes by “Katman” did not even realize what he had recorded until several moments later when he turned around.
He just happened to have a Polaroid Cube camera mounted on the back of his bicycle, which captured the two Torrance cops falling into each other.
And it’s probably a good thing he did not see it or he might have busted out laughing.

Indianapolis Police Shoot Homeowner After He Calls 911 to Report Robbery

An Indiana man called 911 Tuesday to report that a man had just robbed his wife at gunpoint in front of their home.
When Indianapolis police arrived, they shot the homeowner.
The gunman, a black man in his late teens, is still at large.
The homeowner, a black man in his late 40s, is listed in serious condition from the gunshot wound to his abdomen.
Police say the officer shot Carl Williams because he opened the garage door to his home while holding a gun after police had pulled up to his home.
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Watch: PINAC Reporter Kicked Out of South Florida Council Meeting for Questioning Councilman (Updated)

UPDATE: Wednesday, August 24, 2016, 10:50 p.m.
PINAC reporter Eric McDonough was arrested Wednesday after entering the city council meeting, then being ordered to leave. He was live streaming that part, but they arrested after he had stepped into the parking lot when he had turned his camera off. It appears they are charging him with disorderly conduct, which is a contempt-of-cop charge. He is currently in jail and should be released Thursday.

New Jersey Cops Hold 10-year-old Boy at Gunpoint, for “matching a description” of 20-year-old armed robber

New Jersey cops drew their guns on a 10-year-old boy who became afraid and ran after they approached to interrogate him, mistaking the child for 20-year-old Casey Joseph Robinson, an armed-robbery suspect, because he “fit the description.”
Legend Preston was shooting some hoops and had gone after his basketball after it bounced into the street when cops came towards him, mistaking him for a robbery suspect.

Arizona Trooper Mistakes Rental Car for Stolen Vehicle, Points Gun at Man and 7-Year-Old Daughter Touring Grand Canyon

It all began with a stolen license plate.
And nearly ended in a nightmare.
An Arizona cop mistook a father and daughter who were traveling to the Grand Canyon on vacation for car thieves and then held them at gun point, pointing his gun at the dad and his 7-year-old daughter, leaving her traumatized and questioning if cops are the “good guys.”

Los Angeles Deputies Admit to Killing Unarmed, Mentally Ill Man by Mistake

Searching for an armed carjacker who had fired at them more than two hours earlier, Los Angeles sheriff’s deputies came across an unarmed mentally ill man and killed him instead.
Donnell Thompson, 27, had nothing to do with the carjacking, but deputies said he matched the description of one of the carjackers, so they didn’t want to take any chances.
After all, they said, Thompson could have placed the community in danger had they not killed him.

Florida Cops Fabricate Laws to Detain PINAC Reporter for Doing his Job

PINAC reporter Jeff Gray was up to his old tricks again, photographing power plants from public sidewalks, making public records requests at police stations, not breaking any law, when he was approached by cops who accused him of breaking fabricated laws, even going as far as to accuse him of plotting an attack on police.
We’ve seen it all before with Gray; the paranoid cops believing they are keeping the world safe by violating his Constitutional rights, seemingly unconcerned about making fools of themselves on YouTube.