
North Dakota Oil Pipeline Spill 3 Times Larger Than First Estimated

Aan oil spill from the Belle Fourche Pipeline that was discovered Dec. 5, 2016 in Ash Coulee Creek, a tributary of the Little Missouri River, near Belfield, N.D. Authorities say the pipeline spill is now believed to be one of the biggest in state history. (Scott Stockdill/North Dakota Department of Health)
BISMARCK, N.D. — A December oil pipeline spill in western North Dakota might have been three times larger than first estimated and among the biggest in state history, a state environmental expert said Friday.

10 Good Things About the Not-So-Great Year 2015

It would certainly be easy to do a piece about 10 horrible events from 2015, from the ongoing war in Syria and the refugee crisis, to the bombings in Beirut, Paris and San Bernardino, to the rise of Donald Trump and Islamophobia. But that wouldn’t be a very inspiring way to bid farewell to this year and usher in a new one. So let’s look at 10 reasons to feel better about 2015.