Kevin McCarthy

Gavin Newsom Rose To The Occasion-- While Trump Is Looking For Ways To Use The Cover Of The Pandemic Emergency To Push The Country Further Right

I'm not a big Gavin Newsom fan-- to put it mildly-- but he finally did what every governor needs to do and what that dumbass, predator in the White House needs to do, to begin the process that will flatten the curve enough to actually confront the pandemic in the U.S Newsom issued the statewide stay-at-home order that could save millions of lives.

Republicans Will Do Anything To Sabotage The Impeachment Against Trump

"Please stop using the Latin phrase 'quid pro quo' regarding the impeachment inquiry," is what 33 writers suggested in the NY Times yesterday. "Most people don’t understand what it means, and in any case it doesn’t refer only to a crime. Asking for a favor is not a criminal act; we frequently demand things from foreign countries before giving them aid, like asking them to improve their human rights record.

It Isn't Just McConnell-- Is McCarthy Also Plotting With China To Become A Colonial Power Over the U.S.?

That's McCarthy with Stella Li and Wang ChuanfuPeople who don't follow politics closely still don't know who California Rep. Kevin McCarthy is, even though he's the Republican House Leader and Trump's chief protagonist in Congress. The DCCC never runs a candidate against him-- even though CA-23 is now a minority-majority district-- and has been hostile towards local Democrats who have tried taking him on in the past.

Sometimes We Forget That The Worst Thing About Trump Is That He's Incapable Of Defending The Country From Real Enemies

The House Republicans' clod-like Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy, went running to Fox yesterday to complain to Maria Bartiromo about Justin Amash. "Those who know Justin Amash," whined McCarthy, "this is exactly what he wants. He wants to have attention. Now, you have got to understand Justin Amash. He's been in Congress quite some time. I think he's only ever asked one question in all the committees that he's been in. He votes more with Nancy Pelosi than he ever votes with me. It's a question whether he's even in our Republican Conference as a whole.

Finally-- The End Of Steve King?

Steve King's Iowa district is very, very rural and very, very red. The PVI is R+11 and Trump beat Hillary there 60.9% to 33.5%, significantly outpolling both McCain (50.2%) and Romney (53.4%). Usually King wins in a walk and doesn't even campaign much. This past November, though, he nearly lost, first time candidate and progressive baseball player J.D. Scholten holding him to 50.4%, his smallest win number ever. If only the DCCC hadn't decided J.D.