Kevin McCarthy Has now lost 6 straight votes to be Speaker of the House

Kevin McCarthy Has now lost 6 straight votes to be Speaker of the House

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts: Kevin McCarthy has 201 votes, 17 short of the 218 required.  His challenger, Byron Donalds of Florida has 20 votes. To be sure you understand what this means.  In the entirety of the Republican majority in the House of Representatives, there are only 20 members dedicated to change.  McCarthy’s 201 votes […]

Kevin McCarthy Has now lost 6 straight votes to be Speaker of the House

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts: Kevin McCarthy has 201 votes, 17 short of the 218 required.  His challenger, Byron Donalds of Florida has 20 votes. To be sure you understand what this means.  In the entirety of the Republican majority in the House of Representatives, there are only 20 members dedicated to change.  McCarthy’s 201 votes […]