
Mitch McConnell's Kentucky: "A Place Where Ideals Go To Die"

Kentucky is a very red state, more so in national politics than local politics. Trump beat Hillary there 1,202,971 (62.5%) to 628,854 (32.7%), one of Trump's best performances anywhere. He lost only two counties (out of Kentucky's 120)-- Jefferson (Louisville in the 3rd congressional district) and Fayette (Lexington in the 6th congressional district). The state's PVI is a daunting R+15.In 2018, Amy McGrath won a tough Democratic primary in the 6th district and took on Republican incumbent Andy Barr. The PVI of the 6th is R+9. McGrath did extremely well... for a Democrat.

Kentucky Doesn't Pay Even Close To Its Fair Share Of Taxes. What Should We Do About That?

Kentucky's delegation to Congress includes two Republican senators, Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul, plus 6 members of the House, 5 Republicans and one Democrat: James Comer (R), Brett Guthrie (R), John Yarmuth (D), Thomas Massie (R), Hal Rogers (R) and Andy Barr (R). With the exception of Yarmuth, they all have something in common: an often-stated desire to shrink the federal government and reduce taxes.

Can Andy Beshear Beat Bevin This Coming November? Trump Is Flipping Out Over This Race

Kentucky is a weird and intriguing state when it comes to politics. Just watch the great explanation of what's going on there in the Samantha Bee video above before you read another word. It's one of the reddest states in the Union (PVI is R+15-- worse than Alabama, Mississippi, Texas or Kansas) and Trump beat Hillary there 1,202,971 (62.5%) to 628,854 (32.68). She won just two of Kentucky's 120 counties. Hillary even managed to lose Elliott County, which had never-- in its 150 year history-- voted for a Republican before, not Reagan, not Eisenhower, not Harding... just Trump.

Tobacco Doesn't Pay McTurtle Enough Anymore For Him To Keep Turning America Into An Ashtray

Big Tobacco was once a much bigger player in congressional politics than it is now. As recently as 1990, the sector was handing out hefty bribes on a bipartisan basis. That year the tobacco companies gave $1,139,125 to Reoublicans and $1,012,249 to Democrats.That year the two top tobacco bribe takers were Senators Mitch McConnell ($60,650) and Jesse Helms ($57,280).

McTurtle Is Gambling His Entire Reelection Campaign On Trump... And Fake News About Pot Legalization

Above is McTurtle's announcement ad for his 2020 reelection campaign. Pretty ugly, huh? But I have a feeling he knows better than we do about what sells in rural Kentucky. He sure isn't going to get elected by voters in Louisville or Lexington.In his last reelection campaign, 2014, his opponent was Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes. She ran a good campaign and won 10 of the state's 120 counties. He beat her 806,787 (56.2%) to 584,698 (40.7%) despite quite a bit of voter apathy. Six years earlier he had beaten Democrat Bruce Lunsford 953,816 (53%) to 847,005 (47%).

Kentucky Republican Lost His Seat-- By One Vote

Johnson (R) and Glenn (D)Owensboro, the 4th largest city in Kentucky, is the county seat of Daviess County. Ownesboro and Bowling Green are the two main population centers of KY-02, Brett Guthrie’s congressional district, a safe red district that went 67.5% to 27.6% for Trump in 2016. Daviess County was slightly less red— Hillary actually going all the way to 31%. In the presidential primary, Daviess was Bernie Country.